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19/10/2015 to 16/12/2015
Course aimed at teachers of the course “Science for the modern world” as well as biology teachers at 4th of secondary, 1st and 2nd of Baccalaureate levels.
L’EGA, UNA BIBLIOTECA PER A LA MEDICINA DEL FUTUR? Desxifrar el genoma humà va suposar l’accés a una informació privilegiada i única de cadascú de nosaltres. Avui, molts projectes de recerca biomèdica utilitzen aquesta informació per avançar en el...
30/11/2015 to 04/12/2015
Today´s powerful new tools enable researchers to construct novel experiments in a wide range of fields—from basic biomedical research to biotechnology and medicine—allowing them to edit genomes at sites of their choosing.  Using most recent...
26/11/2015 to 27/11/2015
Organized by: CRG PhD Representatives, CRG Graduate Committee Symposium overview The IX CRG PhD Symposium is a internal symposium aimed at providing a platform for the young scientists working at the centre. All 2nd year students give a short talk...
24/11/2015 to 26/11/2015
The second meeting on RNA Biology in Cancer and other Diseases will take place on November 24-26, 2015, co-organized by the Consolider RNAREG and the Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute (IJC). Recent progress has made evident that RNA...
15/11/2015 to 20/11/2015
About the practical course Different targeted proteomics strategies have recently emerged in the field of proteomics that enable the detection and quantification of a predetermined subset of proteins with a high degree of sensitivity and...
EL MICROBIOMA HUMÀ: ELS HOSTES DEL NOSTRE COS   Bacteris i fongs. Aquests microorganismes no tenen gaire en comú amb els humans, però, en canvi, en el nostre cos viuen 100 bilions de cèl·lules d’aquestes espècies, superant en 10 vegades el...
 Organized by: the CRG/UPF Proteomics Unit Symposium Overview: The CRG Proteomics Symposium focuses on the application of innovative mass spectrometric techniques to different aspects of life sciences. This year several high-profile invited...
29/10/2015 to 30/10/2015
Coding and non-coding functions of the genome The 3rd of the five meetings in the series of Barcelona Conferences on Epigenetics and Cancer (BCEC) will be organized by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain. This conference...
23/10/2015 to 28/10/2015
This second CRG “Somatic Cell Reprogramming” course will­ will take place from Friday 23rd until Wednesday 28th of October 2015 at CRG in Barcelona. This CRG course will teach participants how to derive and maintain mouse and human pluripotent stem...
22/10/2015 to 23/10/2015
Join the 14Th CRG Symposium! This two-day conference under the title “Cellular Machineries” will be held 22 and 23 October in Barcelona, providing a unique opportunity to bring together leaders in life sciences who use a variety of approaches to...
17/10/2015 to 22/10/2015
About the conference Unicellular eukaryotes comprise the overwhelming majority of eukaryotic diversity, pervading all branches of the eukaryotic tree of life. Recent sequencing efforts have significantly increased the number and diversity of...
05/10/2015 to 09/10/2015
Based on the great success of the first edition, the 2nd CRG Bio-Business School shall: Raise awareness about technology transfer among the participants through lectures and hands-on practical sessions; Teach the challenges, opportunities and...
27/09/2015 to 02/10/2015
Organizers Davide Bau, CRG-CNAGFrançois Le Dily, CRGFrançois Serra, CRG-CNAGGaetano Verde, CRGMiguel Beato, CRG   Description and goals The eukaryotic genome is non-randomly organized in a hierarchy of structures: chromosomes territories, which...
Organizers:  Sebastian Baumann, Elias Bechara, Nicola Brownlow, Juanjo Fraire, Xianghua Li and CRG Postdoc Committee Invited Speakers: Bernhard Payer, Epigenetic Reprogramming in Embryogenesis and the Germline, CRG, Barcelona, Spain Tanya Vavouri,...
13/09/2015 to 19/09/2015
Organizers Ben Lehner, CRG* Elias Bechara, CRG* Julian Ceron Madrigal, IDIBELL* Montserrat Porta De la Riva, IDIBELL** Barcelona Spain Description and Goals C. elegans, one of the most attractive and popular genetic model organism, is used to...
-MIRA EL VÍDEO DEL CAFÈ AQUÍ- EPIGENÈTICA: MÉS ENLLÀ DE GATTACA L’ADN conté la informació necessària per generar totes les cèl·lules d’un individu. Les cèl·lules, però, també tenen un altre tipus d’informació amagada que els biòlegs moleculars...
11/09/2015 to 14/09/2015
NGS Workshop University of the Witwatersrand 7-9 September 2015 The Sydney Brenner Institute for Molecular Bioscience (SBIMB) in collaboration with Novartis, Basel, Switzerland and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain will host...
10/09/2015 to 14/09/2015
In recent years, Drosophila melanogaster has emerged as a powerful model system in which to study the genes and neural circuits that process sensory information and generate complex behaviors. Understanding such problems requires a multi-faceted...
29/06/2015 to 03/07/2015
The “Advanced proteomics course for molecular biologist and clinicians” targets international postdocs and students and aims to provide an extensive update on the most advanced proteomics techniques and applications. The target audience includes PhD...
14/06/2015 to 19/06/2015
We would like to invite you to the 5th Practical Summer Course: Modeling for Systems Biology. The 2015 edition of this successful course is again a joint initiative between the CRG and and will take place from Sunday June 14th till...
25/05/2015 to 27/05/2015
Conference Summary Proteins and functional modules are evolutionarily conserved even between distantly related species, and allow knowledge transfer between well-characterized model organisms and human. The underlying biological concept is called '...
28/04/2015 to 29/04/2015
The CRG is pleased to be a Host Partner of the TTS Europe 2015 and the final conference of the ENTENTE Health project on best practices in healthcare technology transfer, which takes place in jointly in Barcelona from April 28 to April 29th 2015,...
20/04/2015 to 24/04/2015
Organizers: Stephan Ossowski (CRG, Barcelona) Elias Bechara (CRG, Barcelona) Main Goals: The goal of this course is to provide medical doctors and clinical researchers with basic training in the analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data, with...
SMARTerSolutions for Next Generation Sequencing AbstractNext-generation sequencing (NGS) has increased our understanding of biology by enabling highly sensitive RNA expression anlysis across a wide dynamic range. As NGS applications continue to grow...
Want to get stunning images and superior high-content data from your assays quickly? Join the FREE High Content Imaging meeting presented by the Advanced Light Microscopy Core Facility Unit of Centre for Genomic Regulation and Molecular Devices, and...
17/03/2015 to 21/03/2015
NEUROCIÈNCIA I… Sèrie de debats L’ètica dels descobriments en neurociència Els avenços en el coneixement sobre el funcionament bàsic del cervell estan guiant el desenvolupament d’eines terapèutiques cada vegada més sofisticades per curar o almenys...
02/02/2015 to 06/02/2015
This course will focus on the preparation of next generation sequencing library preparation for sequencing on the Illumina platform. Aside from library preparation for standard genomic sequencing and for directional mRNA seq, this course will teach...
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE STARTING TIME HAS CHANGED!   Flow Cytometry Workshop jointly organized by CRG/UPF FACS Unit and BD. In the frame of the BD Horizon Tour, we would like to invite you to join us for the CRG and BD Workshop on 30 January from 09:...