This EMBO Conference will gather researchers focused on the diversity and evolution of different groups of microbial eukaryotes. They will present their latest results and discuss them in an informal environment where new ideas are likely to emerge from scientific interactions.
EMBO Conference on Exploring the genomic complexity and diversity of eukaryotes

17/10/2015 to 22/10/2015
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EMBO Conference on Exploring the genomic complexity and diversity of eukaryotes
Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Costa Brava, Spain
About the conference
Unicellular eukaryotes comprise the overwhelming majority of eukaryotic diversity, pervading all branches of the eukaryotic tree of life. Recent sequencing efforts have significantly increased the number and diversity of unicellular eukaryotes for which genomic/cellular/proteomic data is available. Metagenomics, transcriptomics, single- cell genomics, and other 'omics' approaches are being applied to unravel the ecology, physiology, diversity and evolution of microbial eukaryotes and are shedding light on fundamental questions such as the origin of the eukaryotic cell, endosymbiosis, the origin of multicellularity and the evolution of major cellular processes in eukaryotes.