Versió català / Versión castellano
Las proteínas, la 'caja negra' para relacionar especies prehistóricas
Durante la época moderna, el ADN ha sido la piedra angular en la identificación de las especies más recientes. En el análisis de algunas...
25/11/2020 26/11/2020
The CRG will celebrate its XIV CRG PhD Symposium on the 25th and 26th of November in a virtual format, under the motto "On the wave of life sciences". The event, organized by the PhD community, will comprise outstanding talks, flash talks and...
18/09/2020 13/11/2020
Modern Biology is becoming an increasingly quantitative discipline that requires a high degree of interdisciplinary interactions among scientists. Biologists usually face the most difficult part of interdisciplinary collaborations since the level of...
The science is clear: Across all sectors of society we have to shrink our environmental impact, and do it soon.
The CRG and BIST believe that scientific institutions should step up and lead a more sustainable way -that’s why we have invited Dr....
In keeping with CRG’s commitment to support Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), the Gender Balance Committee is launching the new “My life in Science” seminar series, aiming to provide inspirational role models of successful scientists and...
Versió català / Versión castellano
Ciència, medicina i pacients: un treball en equip per tractar les malaties rares
Una malaltia minoritària o rara és aquella que afecta a menys de 5 persones de cada 100.000 habitants. Es coneixen unes 7.000...
17/09/2020 08/10/2020
Structure of the workshop:
Dates: Thursday 17th September & Thursday 8th October 15-17h / The sessions will take place online via Zoom
Facilitated by: Marie Trussart - Kintsugi Coaching
Nb of participants: 20 participants (CRG/CNAG postdocs only...
21/09/2020 29/09/2020
Dates: 21st, 22nd, 28th & 29th September 2020 - 14-16pm
Instructor: Xavier Hernandez
Where: Online
Maximum nº students: 25
Registration deadline: 6th September 2020
This course will touch the basics of Python commands and data analysis packages...
17/04/2020 26/06/2020
The course will give an overview of important concepts and methods used to analyse “Biomedical data”. The emphasis will be on the understanding of statistical concepts and their interpretation in a research framework. After a general...
11/06/2020 12/06/2020
Dates: CHANGE OF DATES 11th & 12th June 2020
Time: 09:30-17:00h
Trainers: CRG Bioinformatics core facility
Location: CRG Training Center (PRBB Patio)
Maximum nº of attendees: 19
Registration deadline: 25th May 2020
Description of the course...
13/03/2020 29/05/2020
This course is aimed at providing concepts in basic Biology (especially on the subjects worked at CRG-CNAG) to medical doctors, informaticians, mathematicians, physicists, engineers and anyone in need. Material (e-learning short videos, readings...
Trainers: Damjana Kastelic, Jonas Krebs & Anna Solé
Registration deadline: 14th May 2020
Registration HERE
Do you need to prepare an online meeting/event or training and you don't know how to make it more interactive for the participants?
Versió català / Versión castellano
La unió fa la força: ciutadania i comunitat científica juntes en l’estudi de la microbiota bucal
"La ciència contribueix a l'avenç de la societat". Aquesta afirmació és vertadera, però incompleta, ja que la...
21/04/2020 24/04/2020
TBDO (Technology and Business Development Office) and ISA (International Scientific Affairs) are pleased to announce the launching of the online CRG BioBusiness School 2020
The course is directed to PhDs, Postdocs, Staff scientist and other...
Do you want to brush up your skills and learn how to do RNA-seq analysis, metagenomics, proteomics or how use Nextflow or containers to contribute and share your code?
If yes, then have a look at the open CRG training platform where you will find a...
Career charla is a series of events organized by the CRG and ISGlobal aiming to inform predocs, postdocs and other researchers about the career options and possibilities inside and outside of...
09/03/2020 12/03/2020
Teachers: Pitagores Group - Oriol Roig
Language: Spanish
Dates: 9th, 10th & 12th March 2020 – 09:30-13:30
Location: CRG Training Center
Maximum nº students: 19
Registration deadline: 14th February 2020
Objetivos: Dar a conocer a los alumnos...
11/03/2020 12/03/2020
Dates: 11h and 12th March 2020 (9:30-13:30h)
Trainer: Roni Wright
Location: CRG Training Center - Barceloneta room
Maximum nº students: 14
Registration deadline: 14th February 2020
In this course we will address three main aspects which will not...
On the occasion of International Women's Day 2020
Are you a PhD student or postdoc at one of the PRBB centres?
Are you burning with questions, doubts or worries about what lies ahead in your scientific career?
Do you ever wonder how do successful...
17/02/2020 05/03/2020
Teachers: CRG Bioinformatics core facility
Dates: 17th, 18th and 20th February 2020 & 2nd, 3rd and 5th March 2020 – 10-13:30
Location: CRG Training Center
Maximum nº students: 19
Registration deadline: 5th February 2020
Introduction to...
The CRG organizes the 7th Barcelona Science Slam on Saturday the 22nd of February at 8 pm at Bar Mau Mau (Fontrodona 35, 08004 Barcelona). The winner will win a trip to Trieste to present his/her research at the European Science Slam finals, which...
10/02/2020 13/02/2020
This course is organized in the framework of the European Project PHINDaccess.
More information HERE
Project funded by the European Commission under the H2020 program-Twinning PHINDaccess is a project coordinted by the Institut...
This week (from 10th to 14th February 2020), the PRBB through the Park's Gender Equity Committee, and the CRG Gender Balance Committee, invite you to participate in a series of activities to visualise the gender gap in science as a real problem that...
La revolució computacional està canviant el món: la nostra rutina, la manera en què es treballa... Així, la programació és i serà una eina bàsica de la informàtica. En aquesta activitat els estudiants escriuran el seu primer algoritme i dissenyaran...
The CRG is committed to strengthen and promote high-quality training for technicians, in the laboratories and at core facilities. This call aims to provide the CRG (including CNAG-CRG) technicians with additional opportunities to undertake training...
27/01/2020 28/01/2020
Download the Book of Abstracts
The Cellviewer International Symposium "Seeing and decoding nuclear...
La divulgación y el diálogo con la ciudadanía son responsabilidades muy importantes de la comunidad científica. Entre otras cosas, este diálogo permite que los ciudadanos y las ciudadanas tengan la información necesaria para tomar decisiones...