Acosta't al fascinant món de la Neurociència!
Coneix teva part més emocional i descobreix les noves fronteres del coneixement.
Acosta't a les fascinants i complexes possibilitats tecnològiques del nostre cervell i els...
The workshop aims to promote debate and exchange of views on the challenges and opportunities of carrying out research in Africa and in collaboration with Africa. Two fellows awarded by the Women for Africa Foundation will tell their stories about...
La "memòria" ambiental: l'herència va més enllà de la genètica
Els éssers vius transmetem informació genètica a la nostra descendència. Aquesta determinarà nombrosos factors: el color del cabell, la forma i el color dels ulls, problemes genètics,...
06/11/2017 27/11/2017
Les noves BIO II: del laboratori a l’aula
Adreçat al professorat de ciències per al món contemporani i professorat de biologia de 4t d’ESO, 1r i 2n de Batxillerat, en el que adquirireu noves idees per aplicar a l'aula i actualitzareu coneixements...
Cada persona és diferent. La nostra variació a nivell genètic fa que no tothom respongui igual a un mateix tractament. Les últimes troballes de la genètica obren la porta a una medicina...
12/11/2017 17/11/2017
Different targeted proteomics strategies have recently emerged in the field of proteomics that enable the detection and quantification of a predetermined subset of proteins with a high degree of sensitivity and reproducibility across many samples....
The Annual Proteomics Symposium organised by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) with the collaboration of the Catalan Society of Biology (SCB) brings together leading researchers in the proteomics field to discuss the application of innovative...
What is the Barcelona Science Slam?
It is a science communication contest where up to 8 researchers explain their research projects in 5 min engaging, clear and fun talks. You can see some examples here.
The slam winner is chosen by the audience...
Les cèl·lules del cos no existeixen com a entitats separades, sinó que es relacionen entre si formant una complexa xarxa d'estímuls i senyals en un espai tridimensional. Gràcies a l'enginyeria de...
16/10/2017 20/10/2017
The CRISPR-Cas9 technology, which is revolutionizing research that relies on editing genes, enables researchers to construct novel experiments in a wide range of fields—from basic biomedical research to biotechnology and medicine. It is now possible...
14/10/2017 19/10/2017
This EMBO Workshop will be focused on comparative genomics of eukaryotic microorganisms.
Unicellular eukaryotes comprise the overwhelming majority of eukaryotic cellular and genomic diversity, pervading all branches of the eukaryotic tree of life....
02/10/2017 10/10/2017
Based on the great success of the former editions, the 3rd CRG Bio-Business School shall:
Raise awareness about entrepreneurship and technology transfer among the participants through lectures and hands-on practical sessions;
Teach the challenges,...
All the centres in the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, in its 10th edition, will open their doors to the public on the 7th of October. PRBB scientists and staff will explain what they do, how they do it and where.
Participants will be able to...
04/10/2017 06/10/2017
The annual RECOMB Comparative Genomics Satellite Conference (RECOMB-CG) brings together leading researchers in the mathematical, computational and life sciences to discuss cutting edge research in comparative genomics, with an emphasis on...
20/09/2017 22/09/2017
The 16th CRG Symposium: Seventh International Workshop on Genomic Epidemiology will take place at the PRBB Auditorium from 20 to 22 September 2017 will gather speakers to discuss about the progress in sequencing and with other technologies for...
10/09/2017 16/09/2017
C. elegans, one of the most attractive and popular genetic model organism, is used to address questions and advance our understanding of several complex biological processes. The course will provide a general practical introduction to...
14/09/2017 15/09/2017
Reproducibility of in-silico pipelines analysis has become one of biology’s most pressing issues. The exponential growth of biological datasets, increasingly complex data analysis methods and the lack of community standards all present...
04/09/2017 07/09/2017
Whole-cell models are promising tools for predicting phenotype from genotype by accounting for every individual gene and cell function. Whole-cell modeling has the potential to enable rational bioengineering and precision medicine....
28/07/2017 04/08/2017
Organoids are revolutionizing the fields of developmental and stem cell biology as they have enabled the in vitro generation of complex structures resembling whole organs. They can be generated either from resident progenitors in adult...
06/07/2017 07/07/2017
The workshop is an international venue aimed at managers and staff of research core facilities (microscopy, proteomics, flow cytometry, genomics, sequencing, histology, animal house, etc.), to discuss the best ways to manage and run facilities for...
Pauline Audergon, Veronica Llorens, Angelika Merkel & Victoria Neguembor.
Invited Speakers:
- Elvan Boke, Junior Group Leader CRG, Barcelona
- Sabrina Desbordes, CRG Alumni, Group Leader at Helmoltz Zentrum Munich - Germany
19/06/2017 23/06/2017
The “Courses@CRG: Advanced proteomics course” targets international postdocs and students and aims to provide an extensive update on the most advanced proteomics techniques and applications. The target audience includes PhD students and...
The CRG Gender Balance Committee, together with the PRBB, is pleased to invite you to Success Exchange Talk on the 20th of June. The session will include a short talk, an open discussion and sandwiches!
Changing numbers. Lessons from an IT company...
30/05/2017 01/06/2017
Today’s global economy and business are facing a tremendous challenge: how to transform research, the money invested and the resources provided to laboratories and scientific parks into new innovations to create new products and services that can...
The Festa de la Ciència is the city science fair addressed to the general public, happening on the 27 and 28 May 2017 at the Parc de la Ciutadella. The CRG is organising the following activities on Saturday, 27 May 2017:
24/04/2017 25/04/2017
About the meeting
The Young Scientist Networking Meeting brings together young group leaders from India and Europe, and students and post doctoral scholars to catalyze collaborative research and advance careers.
The goal is to provide an interactive...
20/04/2017 21/04/2017
The Genotype-Tissue Expression project (GTEx) has created a comprehensive public atlas of gene expression and regulation across multiple human tissues. The resource is already providing valuable insights into the tissue specific mechanisms of...
03/04/2017 07/04/2017
The eukaryotic genome is non-randomly organized in a hierarchy of structures: chromosomes territories, which occupy preferential positions within the interphasic nucleus, are segmented into topological domains where loops between enhancer and...
03/04/2017 05/04/2017
Hosted by the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), the Next-generation sequencing conference covers a broad range of topics in genome sequencing and analysis. Our particular focus areas...
15/03/2017 19/03/2017
Setmana Mundial del Cervell a Barcelona
Barcelona celebra un any més la Setmana Mundial del Cervell (del 13 al 19 de març de 2017), que enguany arriba a la seva 22a edició. De nou, els científics dels centres d'investigació surten al carrer per...
The CRG Gender Balance Committee together with the PRBB is pleased to invite you to the annual celebration of the International Women’s Day on the 8th of March. This year we would like to welcome you to 1h30 event that will include the short film...
CRG and BD Workshop: Discover wide-ranging approaches and opportunities in multicolor flow cytometry
Discover wide-ranging approaches and opportunities in multicultural flow cytometry Workshop jointly organized by CRG/UPF FACS Unit and BD.
In the frame of the BD Horizon Tour, we would like to invite you to join us for the CRG and BD Workshop on ...
Nos complace comunicarte que la semana que viene empezamos con el Tour2017 del Proyecto Saca la Lengua
Para este proyecto, buscamos ciudadanos que quieran participar en la primera investigación del microbioma bucal, y convertirse en ciudadanos...