Institutional information
The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is an international biomedical research institute of excellence, created in July 2000. It is a non-profit foundation funded by the Catalan Government through the Department of Business & Knowledge and the Department of Health, the Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation, the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation, and includes the participation of Pompeu Fabra University.
The mission of the CRG is to discover and advance knowledge for the benefit of society, public health and economic prosperity.
The CRG believes that the medicine of the future depends on the groundbreaking science of today. This requires an interdisciplinary scientific team focused on understanding the complexity of life from the genome to the cell to a whole organism and its interaction with the environment, offering an integrated view of genetic diseases.
The CRG is a unique centre in Spain, based in an innovative organization research model. Group leaders at the CRG are recruited internationally and receive support from the centre to set up and run their groups. External evaluation panels, made up of world leaders in the different areas, evaluate them. The result of evaluations conditions the future of the CRG scientists, no matter whether they have open-ended or time-limited contracts. This ensures the mobility and the renewal of the workforce.
Organisation and governing bodies
CRG is headed by its Director Luis Serrano. The director is selected and evaluated by an external evaluation panel and reports to the Board of Trustees. The Administrative Director Joan Vives also reports to the Board of Trustees. The managing director is responsible for the organisational, legal and economic management of the CRG and heads the Administration and Research Support Services.
The Board of Trustees, the governing body of the CRG, is responsible for overseeing research activities, approving the operating funds and ensuring that annual goals are met. The Board is chaired by the Regional Minister of the Catalan government in charge of science and is composed of external members representing the government of Catalonia, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the UPF and the "la Caixa" Foundation.
The external advisory board of the CRG is called the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The SAB is made up of prestigious and internationally recognised scientists with broad scientific expertise, extensive experience in the management of research institutes, including one member with experience in technology transfer. The SAB visits the institute once a year in an advisory capacity. One member of the SAB is present in evaluation panels as an observer, to ensure uniformity of criteria in the evaluations. The SAB as a whole also provides advise to the yearly evaluation reports about the research programmes, the administration and the core technologies programme performed by international panels, and elaborate a report for the Board of Trustees. SAB members have a mandate for 4 years, which can be renewed for an additional term of 4 years.
The Direction Board coordinates the management activities, budget, human resources policies, space refurbishment, logistics, and execution of the overall strategic plan (e.g. alliances with other institutions).
The Scientific Board discusses, coordinates and delivers the institute’s scientific strategy, including recruitment of new PIs and heads of Core Technologies.
The Organisation Chart shown below depicts the CRG structure.
Management team
The managers of the CRG are the Director, Dr. Luis Serrano and the Administrative Director, Mr. Joan Vives.
Last update: 08/07/2022
Deadline for the next update: 08/07/2023
Legal constitution and bylaws
The CRG was legally established in 2000 at the initiative of the Government of Catalonia and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. The CRG's bylaws have been adapted to the different legislative changes and to the structural changes within its Board of Trustees. The deed of incorporation and the deeds of adaptation and modification of the bylaws of the institute can be downloaded below:
Code of Conduct and Good Governance
The CRG has a Code of Conduct and Good Governance which includes the principles ruling the activities of the CRG employees, as well as those of the students and collaborators with a collaboration agreement in place with the institute.
Also, the Code includes Good Governance principles that should be applied by the members of the executive and governing bodies of the CRG.
The CRG also adhered to the Code of Conduct of CERCA research institutes, which defines the principles that should ensure the good practices in the scientific and management areas of CERCA research institutes.
Report on CRG's Corporative Governance
The report on the corporative governance of the institute contains the information regarding the way the direction, management and control bodies are elected and how they work, as well as their structure and internal relationship.
The personnel of the CRG is classified in different professional groups, that is, research personnel, research technicians, administrative and support personnel, general services personnel. The different professional categories are defined according to the requirements of the job post. The classification of CRG’s personnel according to the indicated criteria can be found in the following documents:
- List of job posts - CRG 2023
- List of job posts - CRG 2022
- List of job posts - CRG 2021
- Salaries and severance pays - CRG 2021
- List of job posts - CRG 2020
- Salaries and severance pays - CRG 2020
- List of job posts - CRG 2019
- Salaries and severance pays - CRG 2019
- List of job posts - CRG 2018
- Salaries and severance pays - CRG 2018
The CRG does not include permanent affiliated personnel coming from private companies, in compliance with the current legislation on transparency. On the other hand, the CRG does not have union representative bodies nor full-time union representatives’ positions.
Last update: 08/07/2022
Deadline for the next update: 08/07/2023
Report of activities
For further information about the scientific activity of research programmes, below you will find the CRG Annual Reports, which compile the main achievements both scientific and managerial.
- Memòria Anual CRG 2023 (català) / Memoria Anual CRG 2023 (español) / CRG Annual Report 2023 (English)
- Memòria Anual CRG 2022 (català) / Memoria Anual CRG 2022 (español) / CRG Annual Report 2022 (English)
- Memòria Anual CRG 2021 (català) / Memoria Anual CRG 2021 (español) / CRG Annual Report 2021 (English)
- Memòria Anual CRG 2020 (català) / Memoria Anual CRG 2020 (español) / CRG Annual Report 2020 (English)
- Memòria Anual CRG 2019 (català) / CRG Annual Report 2019 (English)
- Memòria Anual CRG 2018 (català) / CRG Annual Report 2018 (English)
Last update: 02/12/2024
Deadline for the next update: 01/07/2025
Calls for proposals and grants awarded
The announcements of job opportunities are published under the section “Careers > Job opportunities” of the CRG website, with the objective of covering the institute’s needs regarding human resources after developing the corresponding recruitment processes. These announcements are classified in two categories: Scientific Jobs and Administration Jobs. External job opportunities in other research institutes with a close relation with the CRG are also disseminated.
Follow this link to access the “Careers > Job opportunities” section: https://www.crg.eu/en/content/careers/job-opportunities
In case there are announcements for specific groups, the open positions are published under the section “Careers > Job opportunities” of the CRG website: https://www.crg.eu/en/content/careers/job-opportunities
The calls for proposals and grants awarded by the CRG can be found in the following documents:
The different summaries of calls for proposals and grants awarded by the CRG can be found below:
- Summary of Calls CRG 2018-2023
- Summary of Calls CRG 2017-2022
- Summary of Calls CRG 2016-2021
- Summary of Calls CRG 2015-2020
- Summary of Calls CRG 2014-2019
- Summary of Calls CRG 2013-2018
Last update: 31/12/2023
Deadline for the next update: 31/12/2024