Single Cell Transversal Platform

Single Cell Transversal PlatformSingle Cell Transversal Platform

Single Cell Transversal Platform


The CRG Single Cell Transversal Studies platform has been created to support all research that requires isolated cells. These studies provide a higher resolution of cellular differences and a better understanding of the function of an individual cell in the context of its microenvironment.

The Single Cell Transversal Platform is made up of different technological units of the CRG to offer cutting-edge technology and specialized advice in different technological areas such as Flow Cytometry, Genomics, Protein Technologies, and Bioinformatics Analysis.

The CRG Single Cell Transversal Studies Platform has extensive equipment such as cell culture chambers, cell sorters, NGS sequencers, biomolecular interaction and oligomerization state analyzers and liquid handling robots for processing many cells at once.

All of this provides the end user with a comprehensive, integrated, transversal service to successfully carry out complex single cell projects.


Protein Technologies Core Unit
  • Control/Treated cells
  • HTP screening
  • Cell modification
    • CRISPR
    • Drug
    • Etc
  • Validation
    • Protein-protein interaction analysis
    • Protein-drug interaction analysis
    • Protein-nucleic acid interaction analysis
    • High-content image analysis
Flow Cytometry Core Unit
  • Single Cell sorting
    • 6-way sorting
    • 96 well-plate
    • 384 well-plate
    • 1536 well-plate
    • Index Sort
    • Image-based sorting
Genomics Core Unit
  • scRNAseq
    • 10X Genomics
    • SMARTseq2
    • easySci RNA-seq
  • scATACseq
    • 10X Genomics
  • scRNAseq/TCRseq
    • 10X Genomics
Bioinformatics Core Unit
  • Data analysis
  • Resolving cell heterogeneity of a sample, tissue or organism
  • Characterizing individual cell types
  • Studying cell identity trajectories
  • Predicting cell-cell interactions
  • Transcript-based mutation profiling
  • Functional genomics (CRISPR, gene editing)
  • Single-Cell Multi-Omics
  • Single-Cell Drug Screening

All services offered by the Single Cell Transversal Platform are accessible to all the scientific community. Access is always open and services are performed upon request.

All services and equipment offered by the Single Cell Transversal Platform are accessible by the web platform AGENDO. You can access to AGENDO in the following link: