Protein Technologies Unit
Protein Technologies Unit
The Protein Technologies Unit (ProTech Unit) provides high quality recombinant protein production and biomolecular characterization for researchers at CRG/PRBB and other institutions and private organizations.
The facility is also part of a cross-technology platform alongside the Genomic and Tissue Engineering Units providing services to related metagenomics and cell engineering projects; and with other units of the Core technology program including Flow cytometry Unit for single cell activities and Proteomic Unit for protein identification and interactome analysis.
In addition, the unit is responsible for the CRG’s collection of clones and proteins with more than 20 thousand products including vectors, human Orfeome library, antibodies etc.
From 2022 the Unit also coordinates the Media Preparation Team that supply the CRG researchers with different buffers, plates, media and other reagents.
You can learn more about the unit by taking the virtual tour HERE.
Related Links
Protein Production and Purification Partnership in Europe
Protein Quality Guidelines for Biophysical and Biochemical Studies
Latest Updates
Antibody blocks all variants of SARS-CoV-2 in preclinical models (14/02/2024)
A study published in the journal Nature Communications has led to the development of a new antibody that is active against all existing variants of SARS-CoV-2, including the Omicron subvariants currently circulating.
Designer therapies to tackle the emerging threat of West Nile Virus (21/12/2023)
The CRG's Protein Technologies Unit will take part in a new project coordinated by the AIDS Research Institute IrsiCaixa to design therapies to tackle the effects of the West Nile Virus (WNV), an emerging pathogen which lacks treatments and for which there is no human vaccine.
Carlo Carolis CV
Since July 2013: Head of the Protein Technologies Facility, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
2010-2013: Senior Technical Officer, Biomolecular Screening & Protein Technologies Facility, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
2008-2010: Postdoctoral researcher, Structural and Computational Biology Programme, IRB, Barcelona, Spain
2008: Postdoctoral researcher, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
2007: PhD in Structural Biology, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
How to access
All services offered by the Protein Technologies Unit are accessible to all the scientific community. Access is always open and services are performed upon request.
All services and equipment provided by the Protein Technologies Unit are available through the AGENDO web platform.
You can access AGENDO using the following link:
Service Prices
Services & Applications
CRG reagent collection:
- More than 20k reagents including compound libraries, antibodies, vectors, cells, DNA assembly mix for Gibson cloning and several proteins for multiple applications
DNA assembly:
- Mutagenesis; Vector reconstruction: e.g Crispr HDR vector for KI applications; HTP cloning vector preparation
Protein expression:
- Small and large scale (up to 6L round) protein expression and solubility screening assay in bacteria, mammalian cells (EXPI293 and EXPICHO) and insect cells (sf21 and Hi5);
Protein purification and QC:
- Automatized 2-3 step protein purification (Akta FPLCs);
- Customized protein purification pipeline.
- Recombinant antibody/nanobody purification
- Protein labelling
- Sample endotoxin analysis using Endosafe® nexgen-PTS
Biomolecular interaction analysis:
- Kinetic binding: ka, kd
- Equilibrium binding: KD
- Macromolecular and small molecule binding
- Affinity measurements in complex mixtures (cell lysates, serum, detergents, liposomes)
- Bioluminescence complementation assay (HTP nanoBRET assay)
Biomolecular oligomerization/stability analysis:
- Measures absolute molecular weight, size, and conformation of macromolecules in solution. Analyzes the absolute molar mass and size of macromolecules in solution.
- Measures particle size distributions and diffusion coefficients.
Cross technologies services
Gene knockout and knock-in cell engineering with Tissue Engineering Unit:
- The Protein Technologies Unit together with the Tissue Engineering Unit is providing a fully integrated CRISPR technology service. Our Unit is involved in experimental design, reagent preparation and data analysis while the tissue engineering facility is involved in cell manipulation.
Metagenomic project service with the Genomic and Bioinformatic Unit:
- The Protein Technologies Unit is providing expertise and capacity in automation of DNA extraction on 96 well plates from biological samples creating a fully integrated pipeline including sequencing and data analysis produced from the other 2 Units.
Protein Characterization service with the Proteomic Unit:
- The Protein Technologies Unit is providing Intact protein analysis (MW) of purified proteins and antigen characterization of antibodies/nanobodies (together with Proteomic Unit)
Protein purification and QC platform:
- 1 AKTAvant (Cytiva, 2018) and an AKTA pure (Cytiva, 2019): FPLC priority for the Unit for purification of biomolecules
- 1 AKTA Pure (Cytiva, 2020): FPLC shared with the CRG users
- Endosafe® nexgen-PTS for sample endotoxin analysis
Biophysical characterization platform:
- Biacore T100 SPR instrument (Cytiva, 2009) with an upgrade on T200 (2023) for the study of kinetics and affinity of biomolecular interaction
- Monolith NT.115 microscale thermophoresis instrument (Nanotemper, 2013) to measure molecular interactions.
- SEC-MALS system (2016): CBM-20A series HPLC system (Shimadzu), DAWN HELEOS II and a T-rEx (Wyatt) for the measurement of absolute molecular weight of biomolecules.
- Prometheus Panta (Nanotemper, 2024): to provide multi-parameter stability characterization by collecting data on thermal unfolding, particle sizing, and aggregation simultaneously, throughout the entire thermal ramp, for high-resolution, domain-specific stability characterization of biologics.
- TwoMP mass photometer (Refyen, 2023): for the precise measurement of the mass of individual molecules in solution.
- Tecan liquid handling robotic platform Evo200 (Tecan, 2010) for automatization of large scale and high throughput applications.
- Revity Operetta microscope (2008) for high content screening
siRNA libraries
The human whole-genome collection siGENOME SMARTPoool, (Dharmacon, Thermo-Fisher) is composed of pools of 4 different siRNAs per gene and is distributed in four "sets" as follows
- Kinases - 779 genes
- GPCR - 516 genes
- ‘Druggable’ genome - 6022 genes
- Remaining Genome collection – 13803 genes
Chemical compound libraries
- The Prestwick Chemical Library® - 1200 small molecules, 100% being marketed drugs
- Prestwick Phytochemical Library - 320 natural products
- Tocris kinase inhibitors toolbox (Tocris) – 80 small molecule compounds