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Design of the eye-catching scientific poster 2023 (course designed and run by CRG PhD students) 

Design of the eye-catching scientific poster 2023 (course designed and run by CRG PhD students) Design of the eye-catching scientific poster 2023 (course designed and run by CRG PhD students) 

25/10/2023 27/10/2023

Design of the eye-catching scientific poster 2023 (course designed and run by CRG PhD students) 

Course description
In this course you will learn how to create an eye-catching, engaging and effective scientific poster. First we will cover the contents of a poster and elements of design, and then give a crash course on how to use BioRender, Servier Medical Art, Illustrator and Inkscape. Finally, you will have a practical workshop how to effectively present your poster with a flash-talk.
The course is designed for 2nd year PhD students that will present their work at the CRG PhD Symposium, but it's open to everyone that want to have some basics on poster creation.
The course will be online and sessions will be recorded and uploaded to CRG Moodle.

Wednesday 25th October (09:30-13:30h)
Friday 27th October (10:00-12:00h)

Course schedule
Wednesday 25th  October:
9.30-10.30h Creating a scientific poster (Helene Tonnele)
10.30-10.50h Intro to BioRender and Servier Medical Art (Anna Oncins)
11-12.30h Intro to Illustrator (Marta Batet and Savvas Kourtis)
12.30-13.30h Inkscape (Vasilis Ntasis)

Friday 27th October:
10-12h flash talk (Ritobrata Ghose)

Registration deadline: 24rd of October 2023

Registration HERE