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Annual Proteomics Symposium 2023

Annual Proteomics Symposium 2023Annual Proteomics Symposium 2023



The Annual Proteomics Symposium organised by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), University Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and the Catalan Society of Biology (SCB), brings together leading researchers in the proteomics field to discuss the application of innovative mass spectrometric techniques to decipher the complexity of life.

The symposium will delve into the groundbreaking advancements and innovative techniques in the realm of proteomics. Main topics will cover drug mechanisms, post-translational modifications and protein turnover, as well as cellular process modeling, data integration, and the influence of genetic and environmental variances in cellular signaling and phenotypic outcomes. The symposium will also tackle interdisciplinary topics including AI-driven predictions of protein interactions and it will highlight the pivotal role of allosteric interactions in cellular responses to various environmental cues and their implications in cellular physiology.



Friday 3rd November 2023

09:00-09:15  Registration opens

09:15-10:00  Morning Breakfast - Meet the Speakers

10:00-10:15  Welcome by Eduard Sabidó, Head of the CRG/UPF Proteomics Unit

10:15-11:00 Keynote Session 1 - "Protein structures in context with proteome-wide biophysics"
                    Ilaria Piazza, Max Delbrüch Center for Molecular Medicine

11:00-11:30 Short talks
                    11:00-11:15 "Novel insights into TPX2 mitotic functions through a BIOID based approach"
                     Georgina Garrido, Centre for Genomic Regulation
                     11:15-11:30 "Bacterial expression of a designed single-chain IL-10 prevents severe lung inflammation"
                     Ariadna Montero, Orikine
11:30-12:00 Sponsor talk - "The 4D-Proteomics™ ecosystem: enabling large scale personalized medicine research"
                     Pierre-Olivier Schmit, Bruker Daltonics 

12:00-12:45  Keynote Session 2 - "SPOTlight on DECRYPTing post-translational modifications and drug actions by turnover-, dose-, and time-resolved proteomics"
                     Jana Zecha, Astra Zeneca - Centre for Genomics Research | Discovery Sciences, BioPharmaceuticals R&D

12:45  Lunch and poster session

14:30-15:15 Keynote Session 3 - "Network-based approaches to interpret and integrate proteomics with other omics datasets"
                     Evangelia Petsalaki, European Bioinformatics Institute - EMBL

15:15-15:45  Short talks
                     15:15-15:30 "Characterization of natural and synthetic proteolytic flagella"
                      Eva Estevan, IBMB-CSIC
                     15:30-15:45 "Novel binding site descriptors built upon inverse virtual screening"
                     Arnau Comajuncosa, Institute for Research in Biomedicine

15:45-16:30 Keynote Session 4 - "Towards a Complete Structural Map of the Human Proteome Using AlphaFold"
                     Arne Elofsson, Stockholm University

16:30-16:45  Closure