Ben Lehner, awarded the Banc Sabadell Prize to Biomedical Research
CRG researcher Ben Lehner has been awarded the seventh edition of the Banc Sabadell prize to biomedical research. This prize recognizes and promotes the scientific career of young scientists in Spain. It is one of the most important prizes in Spain for young researchers with an outstanding curriculum in the field of biomedicine.
Speaking of the winner, Carlos López-Otín, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Oviedo and president of the jury, said, “Lehner’s research breaks new ground for studying the genetic origin of human diseases, allowing to address the study of how different mutations are combined to cause different diseases”. The jury, composed of eleven prestigious personalities in the fields of biomedicine and life sciences, highlighted the high level of all nominations and awarded Ben Lehner for his “brilliant and original contribution to understanding and predicting how genetic mutations lead to phenotypic changes”.
Ben Lehner is leader of the Genetic Systems laboratory at the CRG and ICREA Research Professor. In his thirties, Lehner is one of greatest exponents in Spain of the so-called systems biology. He has recently published articles in some of the most important scientific journals such as Nature, Science, PloS Genetics and Nature Genetics. Last February, also received the “Ciutat de Barcelona” Award for his contribution to science and the quality of his work.