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The CRG Summer Internship Programme aims to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to conduct research at the CRG over the summer. The goal of the programme is to encourage students, from all nationalities, in the pursuit of a scientific career and to give them experience in an international laboratory experience.

The programme runs for 2 months.

Previous Selections

The following students participated in the internships from the 2020 call:

Name Undergraduate Institution Host lab at the CRG
Aina Martí Anglada UPF, Spain Ben Lehner
Irene Cánovas Cervera Université de Paris, France Roderic Guigó
Lucia Troiani UOC & UB, Spain Arnau Sebé-Pedrós
Magdalena Engl Univeristy of Viena, Austria Elvan Boke
Victor Ramón Llorente Barcelona University Renée Beekman
Pedro Bak-Gordon University of Lisbon, Portugal Manuel Irimia


Academic Office
Centre de Regulació Genòmica
Dr. Aiguader, 88
PRBB Building
08003 Barcelona