Practical tools for quick data visualization in R - 15th & 17th March 2022
15/03/2022 17/03/2022
Practical tools for quick data visualization in R - 15th & 17th March 2022
On-line course
This crash course was born to spread the word on the existence of R packages that offer great functions to quickly explore, present, and communicate our results. During the sessions, we will use data visualization to try to answer questions and create new hypotheses by exploring the sample datasets and your own.
Instructor: Miquel Anglada Girotto
Location: On line
Duration: 4 hours
Dates: 15th & 17th of March (11:00-13:00am)
Level: Intermediate – Basic knowledge of R needed.
If you don't have it, you can do this course beforehand:
Registration deadline: 4th March 2022