EU-LIFE Visiting Postdoctoral Seminars Programme

EU-LIFE Visiting Postdoctoral Seminars Programme
After the EU-LIFE visiting Scientist Programme, EU-LIFE is launching a new programme to stimulate interaction and collaboration between the scientists of the alliance. The Visiting Postdoctoral EU-LIFE seminars programme is offering a great opportunity for postdocs to visit other EU-LIFE institutes by giving a talk about their work and the future direction they might take as an independent researcher.
The programme aims to support postdocs on the academic career track with a pilot project that funds two postdocs per year per institute to travel to a partner EU-LIFE institute to give talks about their work and future directions they might take as independent researchers. In this way, these talks support international networking, help to boost a candidate’s career profile and should be seen as ‘practice’ job talks for independent positions.
We invite postdocs of EU-LIFE in their 3rd postdoc year or later planning to apply for an independent research positions within the next 12 months to apply for an EU-LIFE postdoc seminar speaker slot at one of our partner EU-LIFE institutes.
PLEASE APPLY HERE, submitting a summary of your proposed seminar, CV, motivation and the names of your top 2 choices for institutes to visit (in order of preference) by Nov 15th 2019.
Your application will be reviewed by your institute and the hosting institute’s selection committees. If your application is selected for a talk at one of the partner institutes on the list you provided, you will be notified and put in contact with the EU-LIFE representative at that institute for further organizational details.
For any additional information, please contact Damjana Kastelic or Imma Falero