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Introductory course: RNA-seq data analysis

Introductory course: RNA-seq data analysisIntroductory course: RNA-seq data analysis

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13/05/2019 27/05/2019

Introductory course: RNA-seq data analysis

Learn how to analyze RNA-seq data and interpret the results

Dates 5 half days (18 hours in total)

13th & 14th May 9:30-13:30

15th & 16th May 14:00-17:00

27th May 9:30-13:30

Course Description

This practical training course provides an introduction to gene expression analysis by RNA- seq technology.

Course Organizer: CRG Bioinformatics unit (Biocore)

Course Instructors: Sarah Bonnin and Luca Cozzuto

Maximum nº of students: 19

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Define a good experimental design, including experimental design, sequencing design, and quality control steps
  • Perform quality assessment of RNA-seq data, raw and processed
  • Understand file formats commonly used in RNA-seq data analysis
  • Gain an overview on some of the common software tools for RNA-seq data analysis and their limitations
  • How to work with public repositories of gene expression data
  • Understand the steps from raw reads to differential expression analysis and interpretation of the results

Course Program

  • Day 1: Download raw data, quality control of data, experimental design
  • Day 2: Read mapping to reference transcriptome
  • Day 3: Differential expression analysis
  • Day 4: Genome browser, gene ontology enrichment analysis
  • Day 5: Troubleshooting of a mini-project


  • Advanced LINUX and genomics data formats

Application deadline: 20th of April 2019