NGS'18: Next Generation Sequencing Conference 2018

09/04/2018 11/04/2018
NGS'18: Next Generation Sequencing Conference 2018
PRBB Auditorium, Barcelona, Spain
Hosted by the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), the Next Generation Sequencing Conference 2018 (NGS 2018) is a dedicated meeting on cutting-edge approaches to the processing and analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data. The goal of this conference is to bring together bioinformatics researchers and biologists facing new high-throughput sequencing challenges. The conference will feature presentations showing how current platforms can be used to address key biological questions and on the current state of the art for data analysis. Emphasis will also be placed on emerging and future trends in high-throughput sequencing and the associated computational challenges.