COURSES@CRG: Genomics on the move

COURSES@CRG: Genomics on the move
NGS Workshop University of the Witwatersrand 7-9 September 2015
The Sydney Brenner Institute for Molecular Bioscience (SBIMB) in collaboration with Novartis, Basel, Switzerland and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain will host a three day workshop that aims to provide training in the analysis of next generation sequencing data. Facilitators for the course include Prof Xavier Estivill, Prof Stephen Ossowski, Dr Frank Staedtler and Dr Rory Johnson. The workshop will focus on exome-sequencing analysis for discovery of Mendelian disease variants and mutations in cancer driver genes. In addition, a hands-on introduction into the analysis of gene expression data from RNA sequencing will be offered. The course will require a working knowledge of Linux and experience with manipulation and processing of NGS data Datasets for the workshop will be provided
Click here to see the programme