EMBO Practical Course - Targeted Proteomics: Experimental Design and Data Analysis
Keynote session - Olga Schubert (ETH)
Keynote session - Prof. Michael MacCoss (University of Washington)
Tutorial/Practical demonstrations -Dr. Ludovic Gillet (ETH)
Tutorial/Practical demonstrations - Ariel Bensimon (ETH)
Keynote session - Dr. Ludovic Gillet (ETH)
Tutorial/Practical demonstrations - Dr. Christina Ludwig (ETH)
Tutorial/Practical demonstrations – Meena Choi (Purdue University)
Tutorial/Practical demonstrations - Olga Schubert (ETH)
Keynote session - Prof. Olga Vitek (Purdue University)
Tutorial/practical demonstrations - Dr. Cristina Chiva (CRG)
Tutorial/practical demonstrations - Dr. Eduard Sabidó (CRG)
Tutorial/Practical demonstrations - Brendan MacLean (Univ. Washington)
Keynote session - Prof. Ruedi Aebersold (ETH)