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COURSES@CRG: Computational Analysis of Exome-Sequencing Data for Clinical Applications

COURSES@CRG: Computational Analysis of Exome-Sequencing Data for Clinical ApplicationsCOURSES@CRG: Computational Analysis of Exome-Sequencing Data for Clinical Applications

20/04/2015 24/04/2015

COURSES@CRG: Computational Analysis of Exome-Sequencing Data for Clinical Applications

CRG, Barcelona


Stephan Ossowski (CRG, Barcelona)
Elias Bechara (CRG, Barcelona)

Main Goals:

The goal of this course is to provide medical doctors and clinical researchers with basic training in the analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data, with a focus on Exome-sequencing analysis for clinical applications.

The course will give an overview on the Exome-seq method and widely used computational analysis tools. We will discuss practical examples of Exome-seq application for identification of causal variants and genes in Mendelian diseases as well as identification of driver genes in cancer patients. Practical work will focus on the analysis of Illumina sequencing data, starting from basic operations like viewing of sequence reads and quality control to comparison of sequences to the human reference, variant detection and finally pinpointing of potential target genes. We will analyze several clinical cases, including a familial cardio-vascular disease, parent-child trios with children affected by mental retardation or ataxia and an example case of tumor sequencing. 


Xavier Estivill (CRG, Barcelona)
Sergi Beltran Agulló (CNAG, Barcelona)
Stephan Ossowski (CRG, Barcelona)
Christian Gilissen (Genomics disorders, Nijmegen)

CRG Instructors:

Mattia Bosio
Kelly Rabionet
Hana Susak
Daniela Bezdan
Luis Zapata

Target audience:

The course targets medical doctors and clinical researchers. The course is NOT addressed to expert bioinformaticians!


5 days (Monday to Friday from 4pm to 8pm)

Number of participants: 19

Registration fee: 125 Euros for academic researchers and hospital employees, 250 Euros for industry (includes participation in workshop, all the necessary tools to follow the course, didactic material, coffee breaks, and lunches).

Registration Opens: 20th Feburary 2015

Registration Closes: 10th April 2015

Selected Participants are communicated: 13th April 2015

Payment has to be done before 17th April 2015


Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona
How to get to the CRG?


Eva Navarrete
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona
training at crg dot eu