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CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Correlative Light and Electron microscopy”

CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Correlative Light and Electron microscopy”CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Correlative Light and Electron microscopy”


CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Correlative Light and Electron microscopy”

Organized by: Timo Zimmermann (Advanced Light Microscopy Unit, CRG)
Symposium Overview:
The technology symposium aims to provide an overview of the current state of the art in the exciting field of correlative light and electron microscopy. The combination of the in-vivo observations possible in light microscopy with the high-resolution power and conservation of detail in modern electron microscopy methods provides unprecedented insights into biological processes at the subcellular level.
Click here to see the schedule.
Click here to read the abstracts of the talks.
Charles Darwin meeting room
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Participation to the symposium is free of charge and open to all PRBB staff as well as external scientists. This symposium is limited to 70 participants (registrations will be managed on a first come, first served basis). Registration is now closed. 
Contact person
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. +34 93 316 01 45
Fax +34 93 316 00 99
Language: All lectures will be in English