The public dialogue will be hosted at the Lecture room 1 (Aula 1) of the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) next 27th of April, 19.00hrs.
The world's largest event of computational biology will be held in Barcelona from 21 to 24 April
Among the guests, there will be people like the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2009), Ada Yonath,...
CRG has recently signed a year-long collaboration agreement with Illumina, a leading developer and manufacturer of life sciences tools and integrated systems for large-scale analysis of genetic...
CRG Researchers collaborate in the identification of the genetic base of familial hypertension. The results of their work, conclude that mutations in a gene cause the majority of cases of a rare...
Sharing scientific expertise and know-how to explore new ways to evaluate translational medicine from basic research to patient benefits.
CRG scientists have described the mechanism that causes neuronal death in Huntington's chorea. The discovery will advance the development of therapeutic treatments for this rare disease.
Bacterium fine-tunes proteins for enhanced functionality
CRG has a new research programme which will focus on the study of the mechanisms controlling gene expression and how these mechanisms may map out the cell fate.
Bringing together European excellence to uncover the mechanisms at work that determine cell fate. Comprising 8 academic institutions, 3 biotech companies and 1 pharmaceutical company, the EU...
New European network to train early stage researchers in cutting edge areas of neuroscience. The project will join efforts from eight academic centers and three industrial partners to promote...