The first animals evolved from their single-celled ancestors around 800 my ago, but new evidence suggests that this leap to multi-celled organisms in the tree of life may not have been quite as...
On 6th and 7th October, the Centre for Genomic Regulation organizes the 15th CRG Annual Symposium. Its focus is on evolution and medicine, two disciplines that interact more than commonly assumed...
A single injection of a new treatment has reduced the activity of the gene responsible for Huntington’s disease for several months in a trial in mice.
The second edition of the Science to Business (S2B) Concept Challenge is open and ready to receive new ideas...
From 16th to 20th September, Barcelona hosts the 17th International Conference on Systems Biology, which will...
International epigenetics project, whith participation of CRG researchers, delivers beyond expectation.
A molecular switch that flips between different versions of genes could be crucial for maintaining stem cells across all animals from simple flatworms to humans.
The SMTB school will bring together 80 secondary school students worldwide, who from 2 to 18 of August will work on real scientific projects together with outstanding scientists.
Without these proteins, skin stem cells are lost.
The study headed by CRG Alumnus Salvador Aznar Benitah at IRB Barcelona has been published today in Cell Stem Cell.
Researchers demonstrate that retinal cells can be reprogrammed in vivo into retinal precursors that then differentiate into photoreceptors.