The Board of the CRG officially names the successor to Miguel Beato who has been at the helm for the past ten years.
The ESF has launched a new Research Networking Programme “Quantissue”, and has appointed Dr. Hernán López-Schier as the Chairman of the Steering Committee.
CRG hosted the 3rd Quantomics Consortium Meeting. Quantomics is a collaborative project that aims to deliver a step-change in the availability of cutting edge technologies and tools for the...
CRG researchers describe how the human genome is packaged into a single sperm cell and why this may be important for the evolution of genomes and the regulation of genes during development.
The 10th call for the annual Novartis Postdoctoral Fellowships in Genomics - Centre for Genomic Regulation has been announced.
The CRG has organized a new workshop for children aged between 8 and 12. In the lab, the children are able to observe actual animal models such as zebrafish or fruit flies in order to try and...
CRG researchers have uncovered a new mechanism for the sorting of secretory proteins in mammalian cells. These secreted proteins include for example insulin, neurotransmitters and hormones. This...
The CRG holds the final meeting of the Consolider Ingenio Project “Epigenetics”. In the meeting, the nine research groups that have participated in the project over the last four years will...
On the 4th anniversary of the Bioemprenedor XXI program, the CRG tech transfer office took part in the round table “The thriving innovative projects in biomedicine, biotechnology and medical...
CRG Researchers have discovered a new mechanism by which mutations in gene BRCA1 can induce breast cancer. The work, which is published in the journal Cancer Research, explains the greater growth...