European consortium presents the largest-ever study of functional genetic variation in human populations using RNA sequencing
According to the latest SCImago Institutions Ranking report, the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is amongst the top ten research institutes in the world in the health sector.
This unique initiative will create networking opportunities and give access to relevant information for the different stakeholders in the field of systems biology.
James Sharpe 7min talk during Activate 2013, an event organized by The Guardian last 9th of July, where he talked about the EU collaborative project SWARM-ORGAN.
Fyodor Kondrashov, group leader of the Evolutionary Genomics laboratory and ICREA research professor at the CRG has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant for his project “Systematic investigation of...
Fyodor Kondrashov, group leader of the Evolutionary Genomics laboratory and ICREA research professor at the CRG has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant for his project “Systematic investigation of...
A retrospective study reveals the potential of rapid whole-genome sequencing to identify resistance when mutations known to confer resistance are detected.
The Beug Foundation announced CRG group leader Salvador Aznar-Benitah as 2013 winner of the Metastasis Research Prize.
CRG researchers have discovered a pathway that triggers the reprogramming and regeneration of retinal neurones.
The Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, Carmen Vela, has given the Severo Ochoa excellence accreditation - an award based on distinction - to five new institutes.