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X CRG PhD Symposium

X CRG PhD SymposiumX CRG PhD Symposium

01/12/2016 02/12/2016

X CRG PhD Symposium

PRBB Auditorium

Organized by: CRG PhD Representatives and CRG Academic Office

The X CRG PhD Symposium is an internal symposium aimed at providing a platform for the young scientists working at the centre. All 3rd year students give a short talk focusing on the main question they want to address in their PhD and how they are planning to do this. In addition posters by 4th year students will give an overview of the work that is being carried out in our institute.


  • Farners AMARGANT (Cell & Developmental Biology)
  • Anupama ASHOK (Cell & Developmental Biology)
  • Jacopo BONI (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
  • Álvaro CASTELLS (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
  • Ricardo Delli PONTI (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
  • Serena GENEROSO (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
  • Bogumila JAGIELLO (Cell & Developmental Biology)
  • Miguel A. NARANJO (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
  • Reza SODAEI (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
  • Javier TAPIAL (Systems Biology)
  • Antonio TARRUELL (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
  • Krystal TIMON (Cell & Developmental Biology)
  • Marta VIVES (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
  • Claudia VIVORI (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
  • Evan W. FLODEN (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
  • Chris WYATT (Systems Biology)

To facilitate a high attendance the whole duration of the symposium is considered lab-work free time.

PRBB Auditorium
CRG - Centre  for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain

Contact person
Imma Falero
Academic Officer
CRG - Centre  for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain