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Workshop "Epigenetic Mechanisms in Health and Disease" (Final Meeting Consolider "Epigenetics")

Workshop "Epigenetic Mechanisms in Health and Disease" (Final Meeting Consolider "Epigenetics")Workshop "Epigenetic Mechanisms in Health and Disease" (Final Meeting Consolider "Epigenetics")

12/05/2011 13/05/2011

Workshop "Epigenetic Mechanisms in Health and Disease" (Final Meeting Consolider "Epigenetics")

Barcelona, Spain

Organised by: Miguel Beato, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain

Symposium overview

This Workshop is the final event of the Consolider “Epigenetic Mechanisms in Health and Disease” project, in which 9 research groups worked together during 4 years, in order to achieve significant advances in the field of epigenetics and chromatine.

The epigenetics-chromatin area constitutes a research field of increasing interest and nowadays is one of the major areas of biological and biomedical sciences. This is mainly because of the implication of epigenetic alterations in human disease. Moreover, epigenetic modifications play an essential role in many physiological processes including cell differentiation and response to external factors. Most of the known epigenetic mechanisms involve the covalent modification o the main components of chromatin (i.e. DNA and histones). To make significant inroads into this emerging field of research, the present project grouped nine laboratories working with complementary experimental approaches. The planned actions were:

  • To study the mechanisms of chromatin remodeling and the histone code, with special emphasis in the characterization of domains involved in the recognition of chromatin modifications.
  • To investigate the patterns of histone modification associated with cell proliferation and differentiation. The models used will include liver regeneration and differentiation of hematopoietic cells, of central nervous system in chicken embryos, of neural adult stem cells and the hormonal response of breast cancer cells.
  • To explore the role of H1 isoforms and of core histone variants in gene regulation. The models proposed will include breast cancer cells and Drosophila.
  • To analyze the mechanisms of gene silencing induced by RNAi, by studying the contribution of the RNAi pathway to heterochromatin formation and the shRNA-induced gene silencing.
  • To open novel approaches to the sudy of epigenetics and epigenomics of cancer by the detailed analysis of the histone code and the alterations in chromatin remodeling.
  • To develop novel tools for epigenetic research at nucleosome resolution, taking advantage of the joined expertise of the participating groups.

The main two objectives of this event are:

  1. to summarize the results obtained during the past 5 years by the groups participating in the Consolider project , and
  2. to provide an update by members of the Scientific Advisory Board of developments in the field of epigenetics and its implications for biomedical research.

At the end, there will be a discussion on the most exciting perspectives of the field for the next years.

Keynote Lectures

Shelley BERGER

Invited speakers

Genevieve ALMOUZNI
Miguel BEATO
Luciano DI CROCE
Thomas GRAF
Miguel Ángel PEINADO
José Carlos REYES

Poster Session

Posters have been selected from abstracts. Please click here to see all the accepted posters.

The EMBO scientific publications ( are pleased to offer a one-year print subscription as a prize for the best research poster presented at the workshop. The posters will be judged by the workshop participants and the prize will be awarded by Dr. Esther Schnapp, editor of EMBO reports. The winner is free to choose which EMBO publication he or she would like to receive: The EMBO Journal, EMBO reports, Molecular Systems Biology or EMBO Molecular Medicine.  

Poster boards will accommodate 118cm high by 84cm wide (A0, portrait) of printed material. Please check the posters order during the first day of Conference.


PRBB Auditorium
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Participation to the symposium is free of charge and open to all the scientific community, but you need to register. Registration has been closed.

Contact person

Blanka Wysocka
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Tel.: +34 93 316 01 45
Fax: +34 93 316 00 99