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SmS - CRG Scientific Caffe: In Vitro Fertilization

SmS - CRG Scientific Caffe: In Vitro FertilizationSmS - CRG Scientific Caffe: In Vitro Fertilization


SmS - CRG Scientific Caffe: In Vitro Fertilization


What is in vitro fertilization? Whom could it help? Is it a safe technique? How far will we reach? These questions and much more will be discussed in the scientific caffe.

In vitro fertilization was revolutionary a few years ago. Now, after new findings in the fiel, it still present new challenges. A genetically selected baby was recentily born in Spain and It has opened a new ethical discussion. Our invited experts will help us to find answers and to stablish some bases in the dicussion.


  • Anna Veiga. Directora del Banco de Líneas Celulares. Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona (CMRB)
  • María Casado. Directora del Observatorio de Bioética de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB).

Date and time: thursday, 18th december, 7.30 p.m.
Place: Bar del Convent. Plaça de l’Acadèmia, s/n - 08003 Barcelona (Centre Cívic Sant Agustí)