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Presentation of the first Novartis-CRG Fellowship and conference with Joan Massagué on March 15

Presentation of the first Novartis-CRG Fellowship and conference with Joan Massagué on March 15Presentation of the first Novartis-CRG Fellowship and conference with Joan Massagué on March 15


Presentation of the first Novartis-CRG Fellowship and conference with Joan Massagué on March 15


"Metastasis: genes and functions" is the title of the conference that Joan Massagué, chairman of the department of Cancer Biology and Genetics program at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, and researcher at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, will give on March 15, 2005 at 12 am at the conference hall at the CRG (CMIMA building). Massagué was recently awarded with the "Premio Principe de Asturias" and is interested in how growth factors, signalling pathways, and gene expression programs control normal cell proliferation and cancer cell metastasis.

This conference is part of the ceremony to present the first Novartis-CRG Fellowship to Dr. Eusebio Perdiguero. He will work in the myogenesis research group of Pura Muñoz within the program of differentiation and cancer at the CRG. This fellowship for a 2 year post-doctoral contract is dotated with 30.000 Euro annually.