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Nanodrop Workshop

Nanodrop WorkshopNanodrop Workshop


Nanodrop Workshop

This is a practical course for the new Nanodrop equipment, more information HERE.

The workshop will be divided in 2 parts:

1) Theoretical part: 10-11:30h - Italy room (5th floor - hospital wing)

  1. Presentation of the new Nanodrop model.

  2. Tips and tricks to get better results and maintenance (new capabilities, correct volume to load, how to clean the base, etc).

  3. Questions & Answer

  4. Hands-on session at Nanodrop One.

2) Practical part (teaching lab 2 - 6th floor)


Hands-on session at Nanodrop One (30min/group)


Trainer: TBD (Thermofisher)


If you are interested to attend this whorkship, please REGISTER HERE before 6th June 2018