Life Sciences ERC Grants in Catalonia

Life Sciences ERC Grants in Catalonia
The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), invites you to the presentation of the projects awarded with Life Sciences ERC Grants in Catalonia.
The responsible of the Comission for Universities and Research, Blanca Palmada, will chair the event and will take part in its closure together with the director of the Centre for Genomic Regulation, Miguel Beato.
The goals of the meeting are to pool together the projects awarded, to make more visible the high-level research made in Catalonia and to motivate the young researchers, sharing the experience of such an important grants.
This kind of projects and initiatives highlight the quality of the research carried out in our country, positioning Catalonia as an engine for European biomedical research.
Researchers often share information, data, methods and studies, but sharing the success and the achievements in our closest professional environment is important too.
The event will include brief presentations of the projects awarded with the ERC grants in Catalonia, both the Advanced and the Starting ones.