EMBL in Spain, a joint CRG-EMBL Alumni Meeting
EMBL in Spain, a joint CRG-EMBL Alumni Meeting
The aim of this event is to strengthen ties between EMBL and CRG, its alumni and their networks, and to draw visibility to the resources available to our life science community in Spain.
Speakers include:
José María Almendral, Michela Bertero, Marco Galardini, Fátima Gebauer, Cayetano González, Cornelius Gross, Lola Ledesma, Juan Martínez, Angela Nieto, Gabriele Picarella, Mehrnoosh Rayner, Nuria Sebastián, Luis Serrano, Sarah Sherwood, Melania Tudor and Isabelle Vernós.
The talks are scheduled from 10:30-18:00, followed by a Networking Drinks Reception from 18:00-20:00.
The event is informal, and we hope that many of you can join us and share with us how you would like such EMBL and CRG events for life scientists in Spain to continue.
If you can join us, please mark the date and register free*:
*Fellowships are available to defray part of the cost of the attendees, after the meeting. Please keep your original receipts if you're interested in applying for one later on.
Please spread the word through your networks. We aim to have 100 participants.
To view speakers and participants, please visit: www.embl.org/alumni/spain2016
You can have a look on the programme by clicking here
For those bringing their children we have arranged for a 10% discount on a nearby kindergarten Chiqui La Vila. For those interested please send the following (age of the child + preferred schedule + registration form already filled in) to: melania.tudor@crg.eu.
Hotels close to CRG here