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CRG Scientific Coffee: Decoding humanity

CRG Scientific Coffee: Decoding humanityCRG Scientific Coffee: Decoding humanity


CRG Scientific Coffee: Decoding humanity


Scientific Coffee  "DECODING HUMANITY"

What has helped sequencing the human genome for?
Is personalized medicine already a reality?

All necessary instructions to create a human being arise from the combination of four "letters" that represent chemical components (GATC). The decoded sequence has an enormous interest to develop personalized treatments for many diseases and to better understand how our cells work.

Experts in genetics will analyze the significance of sequencing the human genome in an entertaining way and answer any questions you propose. A lecture-discussion open to everyone and with the participation of:

Gemma Marfany
Full Professor of Genetics, University of Barcelona (UB), IBUB (Institute of Biomedicine of the UB)

Juan Valcárcel
ICREA Research Professor, group leader and coordinator of the Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer programme, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

Date & time:  Wednesday 27 June 2012 -  19 h

Place: La Casa Elizalde (C/ València, 302 , Barcelona)

Organizer:  Centre for Genomic Regulation

Supported by: Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), red de Unidades de Cultura Científica e Innovación (UCC+i), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad e Institut de Cultura de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.
With the collaboration of Consell de Coordinació Pedagògica de Barcelona.

Free entrance!