CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Applying proteomics to life sciences: from ions to biology”
CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Applying proteomics to life sciences: from ions to biology”
Barcelona, Spain
Organised by: the CRG/UPF Proteomics Unit
Symposium overview
The Proteomics Symposium focuses on the application of innovative and state-of-the-art mass spectrometric techniques to different aspects of life sciences. Topics range from high-throughput proteomics and targeted methods, to the characterisation of post-translational modifications, novel sequencing approaches, and single-cell proteomics. These techniques have been successfully applied to a variety of biological problems such as the characterisation of cancer cells, cell differentiation, the study of neurodegenerative diseases, and the regulation of cell signalling events through protein post-translational modifications. The biological relevance of these latest proteomics advances will be illustrated by four high-profile invited speakers that will present their recent research results in the aforementioned topics.
09:20 Welcome
09:30 Judith VILLÉN
Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle (WA) US
"Protein phosphorylation in cellular signaling and degradation"
Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich, Zurich CH
"Mass cytometry to comprehensively study single cell signaling in biology and disease"
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Paola PICOTTI
Institut für Biochemie, ETH Zürich, Zurich CH
"Studying protein networks in health and disease"
12:15 Albert HECK
Netherlands Proteomics Center, Utrecht NL
"Enabling technologies in (phospho)proteomics"
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Participation to the symposium is free of charge and open to all PRBB staff as well as external scientists, but registration is required. Registration is now closed.
Contact person
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. +34.93.316.01.45
Fax +34.93.316.00.99
Language: All lectures will be in English.