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BASICS OF BIOLOGY (or Biology for Dummies) TRAINING

BASICS OF BIOLOGY (or Biology for Dummies) TRAININGBASICS OF BIOLOGY (or Biology for Dummies) TRAINING


BASICS OF BIOLOGY (or Biology for Dummies) TRAINING

Basics of Biology (or Biology for dummies)

This is a course of 20h aimed at providing basic Biology (especially on the subjects worked at CRG-CNAG) to medical doctors, informaticians, mathematicians, physicists, engineers and anyone in need. The course will consist on two parts:

PART I: Gene expression and its regulation. This part includes lessons and guidance from designated teachers, and capitalizes on technology to introduce students into the underlying biological concepts.

PART II: Cell biology. This part fully relies on e-learning. A teacher will be designated for each theme, for guidance and ad-hoc consultation.

CRG Basics of Biology (or Biology for dummies)

PART I: Gene expression and its regulation


Course flow: Students will be divided into groups and a reduced amount of material (e-learning short videos, readings from books) will be distributed. Each group will be responsible to prepare a 30 minute lesson to be delivered in the class under the supervision of a teacher, who is also an expert on the technology to be explained in the remaining class.

Coordinator & teachers:

Fátima Gebauer & Guillermo Vicent, Claudia Vivori, Elías Bechara.

Topics, date, time & location

Date Hour Location Title
19/01/2018 10:00-11:00 Aula Room T01 - Introduction
02/02/2018 10:00-12:00 Aula Room T02 - Chromatin and epigenetics: ChIP-Seq
16/02/2018 10:00-12:00 Denmark (6th floor/hotel wing) T03 –  Transcription and splicing: RNA-Seq
23/02/2018 10:00-12:00 Aula Room T04 – Translation: Ribosome profiling

PART II: Cell Biology

Coordinator & e-teachers:

Mara Dierssen & Amy Curwin, Ishier Raote, Sebastian Baumann & Esteban Hoijman.

This part fully relies on e-learning. A teacher will be designated for each theme, for guidance and ad-hoc consultation.

T05 – Introduction to Cell Biology: The cell and its organelles
T06 – Cell Division
T07 – Cell cycle regulation, cancer and stem cells
T08 – Cell motility and transport
T09 – Cell communication and metabolism
T10 – Cell Biology techniques


To register to any of these courses, click HERE. To fill this form you will need to log in. Deadline: 17th January 2018.

After the deadline we will confirm if you have been accepted to the training. Please, make sure to check your calendar, if there is a cancelation without justification this will penalize for future internal trainings.  


For any further question contact:
