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Barcelona Symposium "Frontiers in Biology"

Barcelona Symposium "Frontiers in Biology"Barcelona Symposium "Frontiers in Biology"

07/03/2011 09/03/2011

Barcelona Symposium "Frontiers in Biology"

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona Symposium "Frontiers in Biology"

Organised by: Hernán López-Schier, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain

Symposium overview

During embryonic development and throughout adulthood, multicellular organisms integrate the information encoded in their genome with environmental cues, and with physical forces acting upon and exerted by their constituent cells. To  understand the relationship between the genome and the epigenome, current experimental biology has become a paradigm of multi-disciplinarity.

The Symposium ″Frontiers in Biology″ will bring together leading researchers from complementary disciplines with a firm interest in a quantitative understanding of the mechanisms that govern fundamental biological processes from subcellular to organismal levels. The symposium will cover gene expression and splicing, epigenetics, cellular compartmentalisation and polarisation, tissue morphogenesis, stem cells, organ regeneration and sensory-organ function. The presentations and discussions will aim at showcasing the state-of-the-art in each discipline and to promote cross-fertilisation at the level of technological platforms and conceptual frameworks.

Invited speakers

Salvador Aznar, ICREA / CRG, Barcelona, Spain
Richard Benton, UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Sabrina Desbordes, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
Claude Desplan
, NYU, New York, USA
Barry Dickson
, IMP, Vienna, Austria
Luciano Di Croce
, ICREA / CRG, Barcelona, Spain
Marcos González-Gaitán, Biochemistry, Geneva, Switzerland
Bassem Hassan
, VIB, Leuven, Belgium
Chris Jopling, CMRB, Barcelona, Spain
Alberto Kornblihtt
, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tony Kouzarides
, Gurdon Institute, Cambridge, UK
Hernán López-Schier, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
Matthieu Louis
, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
Vivek Malhotra
, ICREA / CRG, Barcelona, Spain
Sophie Martin
, UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Marco Milán, IRB, Barcelona, Spain
Isabel Palacios
, University of Cambridge, UK
Olivier Pourquié, IGBMC, Strasbourg, France
François Schweisguth
, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Daniel St Johnston
, Gurdon Institute, Cambridge, UK
Juan Valcarcel
, ICREA / CRG, Barcelona, Spain

PRBB Auditorium
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Participation to the symposium is free of charge and open to all the scientific community, but you need to register. Registration includes entrance to Auditorium and morning & afternoon coffee breaks.

Registration deadline:
January 30, 2011

Contact person
Blanka Wysocka
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Tel.: +34 93 316 01 45
Fax: +34 93 316 00 99

Supported by:

  • Universities & Research Commission, Dept. of Innovation, Universities & Business, Catalan Government
  • The Company of Biologists
  • Development
  • EMBO
  • Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)