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B-Debate: Fighting Blindness. Future Challenges and Opportunities for Visual Restoration

B-Debate: Fighting Blindness. Future Challenges and Opportunities for Visual RestorationB-Debate: Fighting Blindness. Future Challenges and Opportunities for Visual Restoration

06/09/2016 07/09/2016

B-Debate: Fighting Blindness. Future Challenges and Opportunities for Visual Restoration

CaixaForum Barcelona. Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guardia, 6-8. Barcelona

Blindness is a major global health challenge because of the enormous impact it has on patients and their families, and their important socio-economic consequences. Besides the great emotional impact that this implies for patients and their families, also means the inability to pursue education, to find a quality job, an increased risk for falls and accidents, a limited autonomy and an impediment to have an active lifestyle and quality.

Over the coming years, 1 of every 4 people over 50 years-old will suffer some kind of degenerative eye disease. Currently in the EU there are 91 million people over 65 years and is expected to reach 127 million by 2020. Worldwide it is estimated that there are 285 million people with impaired vision and 39 million are blind.

These debates, jointly organized by B·Debatean initiative of Biocat and Obra Social “la Caixa”, and Barcelona Macula Foundation, with the collaboration of CRG and LEITATaim to propose ideas and explore the potential of new therapeutic approaches for retinal dystrophies, combining nanotechnology, regenerative medicine, stem cells, gene therapy, genomics, bioengineering, ophtogenetics and photonics. There will be basic and translational researchers, leaders and experts in all these fields, in order to share innovative therapeutic opportunities in each sector, and especially in the exploration and discovery of possible synergies to generate new multidisciplinary collaborative research projects on this topic.