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7th CRG Awards for Training Technicians

7th CRG Awards for Training Technicians7th CRG Awards for Training Technicians

23/02/2024 31/10/2024

7th CRG Awards for Training Technicians

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 editions of the CRG Awards for Training Technicians (Spring and Autumn calls), an initiative by the CRG to enhance and promote the high-quality training of the technician’s community.

The CRG is committed to strengthen and promote high-quality training for technicians, in the laboratories and at core technologies. This call aims to provide the CRG technicians with additional opportunities to undertake training in the form of courses or workshops that are essential to their professional development and are NOT available within the CRG or PRBB Intervals and BIST training portfolio.

The CRG Awards for Training Technicians will cover the costs of external training for technicians employed by the CRG that is of high relevance to their professional career. External training refers to structured training courses, workshops or e-learning courses on specific scientific/technical topics or complementary skills, offered by any recognized training institution, excluding the CRG, the PRBB Intervals and BIST. The principal objective of a training application must be developing or improving specific professional skills. The proposed training should be relevant to the present or future work of the applicant, and have an impact on her/his career development.


Laboratory, Core Technologies and EGA technicians employed by the CRG are eligible to apply. The application needs to be supported by a letter from the supervising PI, Team Leader or Head of Unit.

Awards are launched twice per year (Spring and Autumn call).
In each call, two grants, each up to €1.500 are available to cover travel, accommodation, and course fees. The proposal should include detailed budget break down.

Spring call opening: February 2024 Deadline for submitting proposals: 31st of May 2024. Final decision: July 2024
The awarded grants should be used for the training courses that will take place between 1st of July 2024 and 30th of June 2025.

Autumn call opening: February 2024 Deadline for submitting proposals: 31st of October 2024. Final decision: November 2024
The awarded grants should be used for the training courses that will take place between 1st of January 2025 and 31st December 2025.

Successful applicants will be expected to contribute back to the CRG community by sharing the knowledge and skills gained through the funded course.

More information and applications: HERE

For any question, please drop an email to

CRG Training & Academic Office (TAO)
Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) 
C./Dr. Aiguader, 88, 4th floor (office 460)
08003 Barcelona