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18th CRG Symposium: Single cell and single molecule biology

18th CRG Symposium: Single cell and single molecule biology18th CRG Symposium: Single cell and single molecule biology



The 18th CRG Symposium will take place on 14-15 November at the PRBB Auditorium (Barcelona, Spain) and will tackle how the recent technological developments in genomics and imaging have revolutionised our ability to quantitatively analyse the properties of both single cells and single molecules.  

This symposium will bring together many of the researchers at the forefront of this revolution including both those working in large-scale genomics projects such as the Human Cell Atlas and those working on the quantitative analysis and reconstitution of individual molecules and processes.  The speakers will cover a wide range of fields including gene expression, neuroscience, cell biology, microbiology, cancer, non-model organisms, developmental biology, and stem cells.

Download the abstract book

Organising committee:

CRG Systems Biology Programme


Thursday, 14 November

09:15-09:30   Welcome by Luis Serrano, CRG Director

                       Welcome by the organizers

Session 1 - Development, differentiation and organoids 

09:30-10:00   "Understanding the regulation of gene expression using single cell genomics"
                       John Marioni

10:00-10:30   "Regeneration in intestinal organoid development"
                       Prisca Liberali

10:30-11:00   "Single cell systems biology of adult stem cells"
                       Lars Velten

11:00-11:30   Networking Café

Session 2 - Gene expression and epigenetics 

11:30-12:00   “Single molecules revealing molecular mechanisms underlying microtubule cytoskeleton function"
                       Thomas Surrey 

12:00-12:30   "Single-molecule epigenomics: Decoding the histone code in health and disease"
                       Efrat Shema

Contributed talks 

12:30-12:45   "Single-cell multi-omics CRISPR-seq will reveal the role of DNA methylation during exit from pluripotency and lineage specification"
                       Tim Lohof

12:45-13:00   "Reconstructing and visualising cell lineages"
                       Irepan Salvador-Martinez

13:00-14:00   Lunch & Poster session

Session 3 - Technology (sequencing single DNA molecules + single proteins

14:00-14:30    "Single Molecule Protein Sequencing"
Edward Marcotte

14:30-15:00   "Single-Cell Transcriptomics: Towards a High-Quality Cell Atlas"
                       Holger Heyn

15:00-15:30   Poster session Café

Session 4 - Diversity of life

15:30-16:00   “Single-cell regulatory genomics in the Drosophila nervous system"
                       Stein Aerts

16:00-16:30   "Single-cell analysis of early animal cell type programs"
                       Arnau Sebé

16:30-17:00    "Single cell transcriptome analysis in a proto-vertebrate and the origins of novel cell types"
                       Mike S. Levine

Friday, 15 November

Session 5 - Cells and tissues

10:00-10:30   "Mapping the female reproductive tissue one cell at a time"
                       Roser Vento

10:30-11:00   “Single-cell genomic atlas of great ape cerebral organoids"
                       Barbara Treutlein

11:00-11:30    Networking café

Contributed talks 

11:30-12:00   "Single-molecule assays reveal the essential building blocks of a mammalian mRNA transport complex and their function"
                       Sebastian Maurer

12:00-12:15   "Single-cell genome-plus-transcriptome sequencing without upfront preamplification  "
                       Koen Theunis

12:15-12:30   "Single-cell transcriptomics analysis reveals the dynamics of alternative polyadenylation during cell cycle progression"
                       Mireya Plass

12:30-12:45   Closing remarks

12:45-14:00   Lunch & Poster Session