Tissue Engineering Unit
Tissue Engineering Unit
The goal for the Tissue Engineering Platform is to provide the CRG, PRBB and external researchers with the latests technologies used in the fields of stem cell biology, stem cell differentiation, organoid formation and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The Unit is constantly setting up new technologies that are emerging in the above fields.
The Tissue Engineering platform works in collaboration with the Biomolecular Screening & Protein Technologies Unit at the CRG to provide CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology service.
Since 2020, the Tissue Engineering Unit also includes the Histology In-house Service (only for PRBB residents). The Histology In-house Service was established in 2007 to provide the CRG with the histopathological analysis required for analysing tissues from research performed in in vivo models. Studies involving developmental biology, tissue homeostasis and pathology, require an in depth analysis of the morphological and molecular characteristics of the tissues, and the alterations incurred by manipulation. A common tool for these studies is to generate animal models that may recapitulate a specific process or a particular disease. Subsequently, histological and immunohistological analysis are required to identify and characterize changes in the cytoarchitecture and morphology of the tissue. Immunohistochemistry is an essential tool to determine the localization of proteins and RNAs at the tissue and cellular level. In this respect, the main goal of the Histology In-house Service is to perform and optimize histological processing and analysis of the tissue, from experimental animal models and human origin. The service also provides mentoring and training in common histological techniques, in close association with the different groups at the CRG.
You can learn more about the unit by taking the virtual tour HERE
Laura Batlle Morera CV
Since September 2015: Head of the Tissue Engineering Facility, CRG, Barcelona, Spain.
2012-2015: Stem cells, Embryology, in vivo procedures and Micromanipulation Officer, Gene Regulation, Stem Cells and Cancer Programme, CRG, Barcelona, Spain.
2010-2012: Stem Cells and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Unit , Mouse Embryo Micromanipulation Manager, CMRB, Barcelona, Spain.
2008-2010: Senior Technician , CMRB, Barcelona, Spain.
2004-2008: PhD in Stem Cell Biology. University Of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
2004: Research Assistant at Stem Cell Sciences (UK) Ltd., Edinburgh, UK.
2003: Research Associate at The Wellcome Trust Center for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
1999-2003: Bachelors Degree in Biochemistry, Universitat de Barcelona, Barrcelona, Spain.
Funding Acknowledgements
The new Tissue Engineering technological platform offers its services to both CRG and EMBL Barcelona site members. With this purpose, premises have been refurbished and first equipment has been installed, thanks to the co-funding from the European Regional Development Funds OP 2014-2020 in Catalonia (reference IU16-005537). Suitable technical staff has also been hired to run the facility.
How to access
All services offered by the Tissue Engineering Unit are accessible to all the scientific community. Access is always open and services are performed upon request.
All services provided by the Tissue Engineering Unit are available through the AGENDO web platform.
You can access AGENDO using the following link: https://crg.agendoscience.com/
Service Prices
Tissue Engineering: Prices
Histology: Prices
Stem Cells and Reagents:
- Irradiated Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (iMEFS) cryovials
- Irradiated Human Foreskin fibroblasts (iHHF) cryovials
- Ready to use, validated mES medium
- Induced Pluripotent Stem cells (iPSc) derivation and characterization projects
2D and 3D cell differentiation: Upon request and evaluation
- Patient Derived Organoids (PDO) derivation and tests (i.e intestine and lung. Healthy and tumour)
- Mouse cortical organoids
- Human brain organoids
- Neural progenitors derivation and neuronal differentiation
- Pseudostratified mucociliary epithelium
- Cardiomyocytes
- Currently incorporating Multi Electrode Array (MEA) assays.
- Specific project development
- Chimera formation by blastocyst injection and transgenic line generation
CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing services in collaboration with the BMSPT Unit
- sgRNA efficiency test
- KO cell line generation by indels
- KI cell line generation
- SPM cell line generation
Histology (service for PRBB residents only)
The aim of this service is to provide researchers with assistance in the histological processing and analysing of samples derived from in vivo models. The service centralizes and performs all the histological analysis of the CRG and works in close association to the Animal Unit of the PRBB. It provides the following services:
- Preparation and sectioning of paraffin embedded samples.
- Preparation and sectioning of frozen samples.
- Common histological staining.
- Full post-mortem histopathological analysis of mouse models.
The service also provides researchers with the necessary equipment and material to perform their own histological preparations, processing and analysis, as well as with experimental planning and training. When required, custom analysis will be designed. For any additional information or enquiries please contact Alexis Rafols Mitjans.
The Tissue Engineering Unit it is equipped with the following instruments and it is currently acquiring new equipment.
Tissue Culture equipment:
- 2X Telstar BioIIAdvance
- Binder CB-150
- Thermo Scientific 3951 with hyperoxia chamber
- Thermo Forma Reach-in CO2 incubator
General equipment
- Microscopy Leica DMIL led CRG
- Asymptote programable Research Freezer
- Electroporation system
- Centrifuge 5702. Eppendorf CRG
- Multifuge 3LR CRG
- Waterbath SUB14 CRG
- Fridge CRG
Sample Storage
- Nitrogen liquid tank for cell storage
- -80ºC Freezer