CRG researchers reprogramme lymphoma and leukaemia cells to halt their malignancy. Resulting cells remain benign even when no longer subjected to treatment and reduce likelihood of developing new...
A study published on 31 March in Nature Medicine shows that the endocannabinoid system is a new therapeutic target of great interest in the treatment of this disease.
"Uncommunicated research, is not research" Professor Anne Glover, EC Advisor.
The EU collaborative research Project “SWARM-ORGAN” tries to understand complex living systems and to apply these principles to technological systems, in particular more intelligent and adaptable...
The ten organizations working on the ETTBio project funded by the European Union with €2.3 millions, including Biocat and the CRG, met in Barcelona to specify collaborations.
An international consortium of scientist including CRG researchers has sequenced the genome of the common red seaweed, Irish moss (Chondrus crispus)
Scientists have sequenced the transcriptome of primitively eusocial wasps. Their work, published in Genome Biology, shows that workers have a more active transcriptome than queens.
CRG participates at the largest Spanish exhibition on educational opportunities, AULA 2013.
The project “Mico pLung” will develop a platform for treating respiratory system and genital tract illnesses and is to receive 150,000 from the European organisation.