CRG scientists describe how a single molecule is able to turn an immune cell type into another. The findings give new clues on induced transdifferentiation, which could become therapeutically...
The appointment of the Director marks the launch of the new institute, a scientific initiative involving CRG, ICIQ, ICN2, ICFO, IFAE and IRB Barcelona.
CRG, Starlab, UB and IMIM presented Brain Polyphony, an interdisciplinary project that aims to develop a system that translated brain waves into sound. The final goal is to improve communication...
The CRG incorporates the CNAG, which will thereby cease to be legally dependant on the PCB. The integration of CNAG will help to boost genome research, maximize resources and create synergies...
ICIQ, ICN2, ICFO, IFAE, IRB Barcelona and CRG come together in this new institution, which emerges as one of the leading scientific institutes in Europe.
Launched internationally last week, the top-class mass espectometer has just been installed in the CRG-UPF Proteomics Unit, which is now one of the most well-equipped proteomics units in Europe....
Neuroscientists at the CRG characterize how olfactory signals are represented in sensory system and they exploit this knowledge to remote control behaviours. In the work that has just been...
CRG scientists describe in a paper published in Developmental Cell a new mechanism shaping cells and generating cell contractile forces during development and organogenesis.
CRG scientists have undertaken to map the neural circuitry involved in the conversion of olfactory inputs into navigational behaviours in the fruit fly larva
The CRG director and the president of the Women for Africa Foundation, signed a collaboration agreement to launch projects and activities of common scientific interest, with women...