I was travelling around the world during the last semester of 2007. On my way back to Barcelona, I saw the HR officer advert. I had heard really good things about the place and its project.
Their findings, which will be published in Nature Cell Biology today, may have implications for both, regenerative...
The project has brought bioinformatics closer to society, and highlighted the importance of the microbiome, with the participation of over 4,000 individuals. The results of the scientific study...
The complete sequencing of the genome of this fish has brought to light new findings and opens new doors to research.
Sequencing such a common source of plant-based proteins will be key not only for improving beans production but also for a better conservation of Ibero-American genetic varieties.
The initiative allows physicians to embark on a three-year research project on topics such as cancer, chronic obstructive...
CRG senior group leader and ICREA research professor Isabelle Vernos has been awarded the Narcís Monturiol Medal for scientific and technological merit.
The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) -an initiative of six top research centres in Catalonia including the CRG- and the...
The Barcelona City Council through the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona have announced the 2015 “Premi Ciutat...
CRG researchers shed light on a crucial moment in the evolution of life: when cells acquired mitochondria.