Using the CRG HPC Cluster

Using the CRG HPC Cluster
This course will introduce using the cluster and to highlight the way to think and strategise about running jobs on the cluster. The course will give a refresher on linux skills before switching to discuss clusters in general and then focussing on how to use the resources at CRG.
Topics that are going to be addressed:
- Logging in from CRG, from home, with & without VPN, using ssh certificates, from Windows, Mac and Linux
- Linux 101 – basic commands, getting help, keyboard skills
- Cluster background, “Beowulf Mindset”
- Compute and storage resources available at CRG
- Use of git, gitlab and vscode on the cluster for editing files and to track changes
- Submitting jobs: simple single core, multithreaded, mpi, job arrays, job dependencies, GPU jobs
- Getting information on jobs: qstat, qacct, clickhouse accounting database
- Session 1
Logging in from CRG, from home, with & without VPN, using ssh certificates, from Windows, Mac and Linux
Linux 101 – basic commands, getting help, keyboard skills
- Session 2
Cluster background, “Beowulf Mindset”
Compute and storage resources available at CRG
- Session 3
Use of git, gitlab and vscode on the cluster for editing files and to track changes
Submitting jobs: simple single core, multithreaded
- Session 4
Submitting jobs: mpi, job arrays, job dependencies, GPU jobs
Getting information on jobs: qstat, qacct, clickhouse accounting database
Instructor: Emyr James (Head of CRG SIT)
Dates: 28thNovember – 1st December 2023 from 10:30 to 12:30h
Location: CRG Training Centre (Bioinformatics room) - Presential
Maximum number of participants: 16
Level: Beginners / intermediate
Registration deadline: Monday 27th November 2023
Registration HERE
For any information, please send an email to CRG Training and Academic office (TAO):