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18th P4EU Meeting

18th P4EU Meeting18th P4EU Meeting



The 18th meeting of P4EU – an international pan-European informal network of specialists in protein technologies, structural biologists, leaders of core facilities and research Institutions (, will take place on May 31st and June 1st, 2022, at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, Spain.The meeting program will consist of a series of lectures highlighting the most recent advances within these fields, including case studies and research developments, by both our international members and the local community, with many possibilities for open informal discussions.

As a side event, on May 30th (from 2 to 6pm) we will hold a practical tutorial entitled “Protein engineering tools: FoldX" , organised by Javier Delgado and Damiano Cianferoni (CRG). The goal of the tutorial is to provide P4eu members with a short training on one of the most used protein engineering software, released in 2005 FoldX established as a standard tool for measuring the effect of point mutations and  is now being expanded into ModelX as a general protein design tool-suite. During this tutorial, we will focus on the pillars of foldX, looking both at theoretical and practical aspects, having the opportunity to learn the best use of the software directly from the creators.


Organising committee:

Carlo Carolis | Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)


This meeting will be possible thanks to our sponsors:

Platinum sponsors:



Preliminary Program

May 30th, 2022

14:00-18:00 Practical tutorial: "Protein engineering tools: FoldX "
                           Javier Delgado and Damiano Cianferoni | Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)  

The goal of the tutorial is to provide P4EU members with a short training on one of the most used protein engineering software, released in 2005 FoldX established as a standard tool for measuring the effect of point mutations and  is now being expanded into ModelX as a general protein design tool-suite. During this tutorial, we will focus on the pillars of foldX, looking both at theoretical and practical aspects, having the opportunity to learn the best use of the software directly from the creators.

May 31th, 2022

09:30-9:40 Welcome by Carlo Carolis CRG

Session 1

09:40-10:15 Bacterial expression of a designed single-chain IL-10 prevents lung inflammation caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 

Luis Serrano, Director | Centre for Genomic Regulation

10:15-10:50 The study of interfaces of protein-structures to understand/predict the functional role of proteins 

Baldo Oliva | Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)

10:50-11:20 Networking Café

11:20-11:55 Building proteins from the ground up: challenges and opportunities of de novo designed proteins 

Enrique Marcos | Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona (IBMB)

11:55-12:30 Update of the prokaryotic translation regulation

Jae-Seong Yang | Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG)

12:30-14:00 Lunch & sponsorship visit session


Session 2

14:00-14:35 How MultiBac unlocked COVID19 antiviral and vaccine research in the Berger lab in Bristol 

Imre Berger | University of Bristol

14:35-15:10 Purification and characterization of native and recombinant gamma-tubulin ring complex

Thomas Surrey | Centre for Genomic Regulation

15:10-15:45 Strategies for Chemical Protein Labeling

Jan-Erik Hoffmann | MPI Dortmund

15:45-16:15 Café

16:15-16:50 Overcoming the surface exposure barrier with enhanced yeast display platform 

Jiri Zahradnik | Weizmann Institut of Science

16:50-17:15 Recombinant receptor binding proteins of bacteriophages as versatile tools for pathogen detection

Peter Braun | Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology

17:15-17:50 Cell-free production of G-protein coupled receptors for functional and structural studies  

Frank Bernhard | Goethe University Frankfurt

17:50-18:25 Next Generation and Virtual Reality assisted training tools and their application potential 

Damjana Kastelic & Jonas Krebs | Centre for Genomic Regulation

18:25-19:00 Opportunities for biologists at the ALBA Synchrotron

Fernando Gil Ortiz | ALBA Synchroton


June 1st, 2022

Session 3

09:30-10:00 ÄKTA™ and Biacore™: Enabling protein purification and characterization at microscale range (sponsored talk)

Enrique Garcia & Néstor Santiago | CYTIVA 

10:00-10:30  Fida 1 – a Multifaceted Biophysics Platform Ideal for Membrane Proteins (sponsored talk)


10:30-11:00 Is my protein alright? A journey from lysis to storage! (sponsored talk)

Pierre Soule | NANOTEMPER 

11:00-11:30 Café

11:30-12:00 Find and cut-and-transfer (FiCAT) mammalian genome engineering 

Avencia Sánchez-Mejías | Integra Therapeutics

12:00-12:30 Reliable Scale Up with Orbital Shaken Bioreactors (sponsored talk)

Tatjana Tufedzic | KUHNER

12:30-13:00 Proteoshell, a capsid-based assistant for challenging protein expression (sponsored talk)

Xavier Garrabou | LOCK & KEY BIOSCIENCES

13:00-14:00 Lunch


Session 4

14:00-16:00 P4EU discussion (only for members)

P4EU members