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CellViewer International Symposium: Seeing and decoding nuclear function and structure

CellViewer International Symposium: Seeing and decoding nuclear function and structureCellViewer International Symposium: Seeing and decoding nuclear function and structure



                                                                                                                                                       Download the Book of Abstracts

The Cellviewer International Symposium "Seeing and decoding nuclear function and structure", will be held on January 27-28, 2020 at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona.  

This Symposium will cover recent discoveries, aiming at dissecting chromatin structure and 3D genome organization. It will focus on the latest breakthroughs in genomic and super resolution microscopy approaches and modeling to study nuclear function. The speakers will cover a wide range of fields including Genetics, Epigenetics, Cell Biology, Biophysics and Computational Biology.

The Symposium will be an exciting, interdisciplinary and stimulating forum to discuss how current technologies shaped our way of thinking about nuclear and gene function.

Organising Committee

Maria Pia Cosma (CRG, ES)  

Melike Lakadamyali (UPENN, US) 

Eran Meshorer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL) 

Jerome Solon (CRG, ES) 



You can also download the programe HERE (.pdf)

Monday, January 27th

13h30 Welcome by Pia Cosma

13h45 - 15h35 Session 1 | Novel super resolution approaches to visualize genome structure & dynamics
                                      Chair: Melike Lakadamyali

13h45: Jan Ellenberg
               Standardised and quantitative live and super-resolution microscopy tools to analyse chromosome architecture

14h15: Ting Wu Ting Wu
               Such a lot of genome to see…

14h45: Eric Joyce 
              Unravelling the mechanism of 3D genome folding by high-throughput FISH

15h15: Roman Barth
              Live-cell imaging of chromatin at nanoscale resolution


15h35-16h25 Coffee break

16h25 - 17h55 Session 2 | Chromatin organization & plasticity in early development & differentiation
                                      Chair: Pia Cosma

15h35: Jan -Michael Peters 
               How Cohesin folds the genome

16h55: Jiang Liu
               CTCF role in establishing 3D chromatin structure during human embryogenesis

17h25: Maria Elena Torres Padilla 
              Epigenetic mechanisms of cellular plasticity and reprogramming to totipotency

17h55: Giacomo Cavalli
             3D genome organization and Polycomb proteins in development and cell differentiation

20h30 Speakers dinner


Tuesday, January 28th

09h00 - 12h00 Session 3 | Chromatin folding: from modeling to nanoscale imaging
                                      Chair: Jérôme Solon

09h00: Leonid Mirny
                The interplay of loop extrusion and transcription

09h30: Alba Granados Corsellas
                A bag-of-visual-words model for single-molecule localization microscopy data classification

09h50: Stephanie Portillo
                Nucleosome clutches reorganization during cell differentiation and their regulation by chromatin internal parameters

10h20-10h50 Coffee break

10h50: Pablo Gómez García
                Mesoscale modelling and single molecule tracking for the study of chromatin structure and dynamics during differentiation

11h10: Claudia Cattoglio
               3Genome organization dynamics at single-molecule resolution

11h30: Yang Liu Yang Liu
                 Super-resolution imaging reveals dysregulated nanoscale chromatin folding in cancer development

12h00-14h00 Lunch break with poster session

14h00 - 16h20 Session 4 | Chromatin dynamics & transcription
                                      Chair: Eran Meshorer

14h00  Peter Becker
                Chromosome organisation and global regulation of transcription

14h30: Laszlo Tora 
                Towards the understanding the dynamics of RNA polymerase II transcription

15h00: Marie Victoire Neguembor 
                Investigating the role of transcription in 3D genome folding and loop extrusion

15h20: Karsten Rippe
               Regulation of gene expression by phase separation processes

15h50: Victor Corces
                Mechanisms of transgenerational inheritance of obesity epiphenotypes

16h20-16h30 Closing remarks