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Courses@CRG: FoldX In silico protein engineering: From modeling to docking

Courses@CRG: FoldX In silico protein engineering: From modeling to dockingCourses@CRG: FoldX In silico protein engineering: From modeling to docking

16/10/2018 to 19/10/2018

Courses@CRG: FoldX In silico protein engineering: From modeling to docking

Structural analysis is a key aspect for a detailed understanding of the molecular basis that govern the functions and interactions among biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, small ligands, etc.) within the cell. The goal of the course is to provide young investigators an intensive training on the state of the art modeling tools oriented to answer a wide variety of functional questions relevant to biology. During this course, we will focus on  different theoretical and practical aspects regarding biomolecular modeling and docking, focusing on the available computational tools available in FoldX. The course will provide valuable insights on how to efficiently perform homology modelling and prediction of surface interaction between proteins and other macromolecules or small ligands.

Structure of the course

This intensive 4 days hands on course will consist in talks from renowned international experts in the field and sessions that will include both theoretical background and hands on practice. Practical sessions are going to take place in the CRG training facilities, consisting of fully equipped bioinformatics training lab.

The course is composed of the following modules:

  • Mutagenesis,
  • Homology Modeling
  • DNA and protein docking

Selected applicants will have the opportunity to send their own data which will be integrated into tutorials as case studies.


  • Javier Delgado Blanco (CRG, Spain
  • Leandro Gabriel Radusky (CRG, Spain)
  • Luis Serrano (CRG, Spain)

Speakers and instructors

  • Guillermo Montoya (CPR, Denmark)
  • Cedric Notredame (CRG, Spain)
  • Baldo Oliva (UPF, Spain)
  • Frederic Rousseau (VIB, Belgium)
  • Joost Schymkowitz (VIB, Belgium)


4 days: Starting on Tuesday, 16th of October 2018 at 9 am and finishing on Friday, 19th of October 2018 at 4 pm.

Number of participants: 16

Who is the course suitable for?

This course is designed for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, PIs and professionals who wish to gain training in molecular modeling.

Participation in the course requires prior knowledge of:

  • Protein structure
  • Basics of Unix-based systems (Mac OS, Linux, etc.)

Note: an optional Linux crash course (2 hours) is going to be held on the first day of the course.

Registration fee: 400 Euros (+21% VAT) for academic researchers, 1.000 Euros (+ 21%VAT) for industry. Registration fees include participation in the workshop, all the necessary tools and material to follow the course, coffee breaks, lunches and networking event.

Registration Fee Waivers to help lower-income students and facilitate the participation of those coming from labs located in countries in need of scientific strengthening will be offered.

Only online registration is accepted.

Registration Closes: 16th September 2018.

Worldwide participants will be selected according to their CV and motivation.

Selected participants will be notified via email shortly after the deadline.


CRG – Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain
How to get to the CRG?


CRG - Training
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona
