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Barcelona Science Slam

Barcelona Science SlamBarcelona Science Slam


Barcelona Science Slam

Black Lab bar (Palau de Mar, Plaça Pau Vila, 1, 08039 Barcelona)

What is the Barcelona Science Slam?

It is a science communication contest where up to 8  researchers explain their research projects in 5 min engaging, clear and fun talks. You can see some examples here.

The slam winner is chosen by the audience votes.

Barcelona Science Slam will take place on Friday 27th of October at 21:30 in Black Lab bar (Palau de Mar, Plaça Pau Vila, 1, 08039 Barcelona)

You can apply directly for the science slam (without attending the science communication workshop) by sending a one minute video of your research to by 20th of October 2017. You will be notified on 23rd October at the latest if your slam has been selected for the final presentation in a Black Lab.