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Scientific poster course 2022

Scientific poster course 2022Scientific poster course 2022


Scientific poster course 2022


Course description
In this course you will learn how to create an eye-catching, engaging and effective scientific poster. First we will cover the contents of a poster and elements of design, and then discuss relevant software and tools to construct your poster. Finally we will give a crash course on how to use Google Drawings, BioRender, Servier Medical Art, Canva, Illustrator and Inkscape.
Closer to the CRG PhD Symposium date, we will offer small, hands-on practical sessions with the trainers where you can get advice, feedback and help with technical questions.     
The course will be online and sessions will be recorded and uploaded to CRG Moodle.
Workshops will be groups of 4-5 attendees and will be in person. We ask that students attend the course before signing up for workshops as it should follow on from what is taught during the course.   
Online course: Thursday, October 20th 2022 (09:30-17:00)
Presential small group workshops: between 1-18 November 2022, dates and times will be decided later.
Course schedule
Morning session:
9:30 - 10:30 Creating a scientific poster: from content to design - Morghan Lucas
10:30 - 10:45 What software/tool is right for me? - Morghan Lucas
11:00 - 12:00 How to present a poster and flashtalk - Ritobrata Ghose
Afternoon session:
2:00 - 2:20 Intro to Google Drawings - Jorge Herrero 
2:20 - 2:40 Intro to BioRender and Servier Medical Art - Anna Oncins Sunol and Agostina Bianchi
2:40 - 3:00 Intro to Canva - Morghan Lucas
3:20 - 5:00 Intro to Illustrator - Ivan Milenkovic & Morghan Lucas 
3:20 - 5:00 Intro to Inkscape - Vasilis Ntasis 

Registration deadline: 25 September 2022 - Extended! 16th October
Application form HERE