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V Core Management Workshop: “Training the trainers”

V Core Management Workshop: “Training the trainers”V Core Management Workshop: “Training the trainers”




The workshop is an international venue aimed at managers and staff of research core facilities (microscopy, proteomics, flow cytometry, genomics, sequencing, histology, animal house, etc.), to discuss the best ways to manage and run facilities for science, to solve technical, scientific, and management problems, and to establish collaborations by networking with peers. Managers, core staff, and industrial partners are all invited to participate.

The international “Core Management Workshop” was launched in 2012 by Nuno Moreno and Rui Gardner, from Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência in Oeiras, Portugal. It was widely attended by many international experts from several core areas. The enthusiasm generated was such that, at the end of the workshop, most participants felt that it would be beneficial to have this meeting annually and taking place in different locations.

The V Core Management Workshop will be held at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, where the Centre for Genomic Regulation is located, on July 6th-7th 2017.

This edition will be focused on the challenging subject: “Training the trainers”. We will count with a panel of experts coming from different research areas, industry and management, that will share their experience on all aspects related to training strategies for core facility staff.


  • Fabrice Cordelières, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris FR
  • Derek Davis, Head, Flow Cytometry Facility, The Francis Crick Institute, London UK
  • Pedro Fernandes, Bioinformatics Training Coordinator, Lisboa PT
  • CJ Fitzsimons, Leadership Sculptor DE
  • Marialuisa Lavitrano, Director BBMRI IT
  • Nadine Le Louargant, European Customer Support Center Manager, BD Life Sciences , Brussels BE
  • Peter Lopez, Director, NYUSOM Cytometry and Cell Sorting Laboratory, New York USA
  • Damjana Kastelic, Training Coordinator, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona ES
  • Nuno Moreno, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Lisboa PT
  • Christoph Thumser, Sales Director EMEA – Life Science Research & Nanotechnology, DE
  • Nadine Utz, German BioImaging, Project Manager, Universität Konstanz, DE


Thursday 6th July


09:30 to 09:45

Welcome by Mònica Morales, Head of Core Facilities, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona ES

Session 1
09:45 to 10:15

"Train-the-Trainer for core facilities in multidisciplinary research environments"
Pedro L. Fernandes,
 Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras PT

10:15 to 10:45

"Training in biological imaging in Europe: an overview from the Euro-BioImaging Project (WP7 Training)"
Fabrice Cordelières, Bordeaux Imaging Center, UMS 3420 CNRS - Université de Bordeaux - US4 INSERM, Bordeaux FR

10:45 to 11:00

"From a model buying instruments, to one of buying services"
José Mª Alonso, 
BioScience Division Director, Izasa Scientific

11:00 to 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 to 12:00

"Maximizing the trainer’s ability to train"
Peter Lopez, Director, Cytometry and Cell Sorting Laboratory, NYU School of Medicine, New York US

12:00 to 12:30

German BioImaging: Job Shadowing Initiative"
Nadine Utz, Project Manager, German Bioimaging, Konstanz DE

12:30 to 13:00

 “Collaborations between Industry and Core-Technology Platforms in Lifescience Research Infrastructures on multiple levels”
Christoph Thumser, Sales Director EMEA, Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, DE

13:00 to 13:15

"Today’s leading scientists are continuously seeking new ways to increase certainty and confidence in their results, improve biological understanding, and enable better decisions sooner"
Massimo Carucci, 
Line Leader HCS South Europe PerkinElmer

13:00 to 14:30


Session 2
14:30 to 15:00

"Creating a Core culture: infrastructure, collaboration and sustainability"
Derek Davies, Head, Flow Cytometry at Francis Crick Institute, London UK

15:00 to 15:30

 Rltrain, the Research Infrastructure Training Programme"
Marialuisa Lavitrano, Director BBMRI, Milan IT

15:30 to 15:45

"Learning@BD, a took in flow cytometry education"
Nadine Le Louargant, European Customer Support Center Manager, BD Life Sciences BE

15:45 to 16:00

 "Improving Facility Management by Tailor Made Software"
Marta Monteiro, Marketing Officer, Cirklo PT

16:00 to 16:30

 Coffee Break

16:30 to 18:00

Round table: The importance of international collaboration

20:00 to 22:00

Dinner (all registered people at the meeting)
Place: H10 Port Vell Terrace
Address: Pas de Sota Muralla, 9

Friday 7th July
Session 3
09:30 to 11:00

 "A practical approach to non-zero-sum negotiation"
Nuno Moreno,
Coordinator for Scientific Platforms, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras PT

11:00 to 11:15

 "PerkinElmer Signals for Screening"
Martin Daffertshofer, Director Strategic Marketing, PerkinElmer Informatics, US

11:15 to 11:45

 Coffee Break

11:45 to 12:15

 "Training Without Training - A toolkit for enhancing staff and user perfomance"
CJ Fitzsimons, Leadership Sculptor DE

12:15 to 12:45

Damjana Kastelic, Training Coordinator, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona ES

12:45 to 13:00

"Approaching Volume of Inetrest by 3D Scanning Electron Microscopy"
Joerg Lindenau, Carls Zeiss Microscopy GmbH

13:00 to 14:00


14:00 to 15:30

 Round table: Benefits of strategic training

15:30 to 16:30

 Farewell drinks