ICSB 2016 - International Conference on Systems Biology, Barcelona 16-20 September 2016

16/09/2016 to 20/09/2016
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ICSB 2016 - International Conference on Systems Biology, Barcelona 16-20 September 2016
Barcelona, Spain
The 17th edition of the International Conference on Systems Biology will be held in Barcelona (Spain) on 16-20 September 2016.
Exciting speakers from around the world will come together to interact with the global and local systems biology community – sharing ideas, discussing results and debating on the future of this exciting and fast-evolving field. A number of themes will be covered, including: fundamentals of modelling networks, circuits and pathways, spatial and multicellular systems, image-driven systems biology, evolution, noise and decision-making in single cells, systems biology of disease and immunology, and personalised medicine.