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VIII CRG PhD Symposium

VIII CRG PhD SymposiumVIII CRG PhD Symposium

04/12/2014 to 05/12/2014
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VIII CRG PhD Symposium

Organized by: CRG PhD Representatives, CRG Graduate Committee

Symposium overview
The VIII CRG PhD Symposium is a internal symposium aimed at providing a platform for the young scientists working at the centre. All 2nd year students give a short talk focusing on the main question they want to address in their PhD and how they are planning to do this. In addition posters by 3rd year students will give an overview of the work that is being carried out in our institute.

To facilitate a high attendance the whole duration of the symposium is considered lab-work free time.

The EPPENDORF PRIZE TO THE BEST CRG THESIS PROJECT 2013-2014 will be awarded during the Symposium.

Check out the program of the Symposium!


Francesco AULICINO (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
Gireesh Kumar BOGU (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
Alessandra BRESCHI (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
Silvina CATUARA (Systems Biology)
Maria CHATZOU (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
Marc CORRALES (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
Francesca Di GIOVANNI (Cell & Developmental Biology)
Sergio ESPESO (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
Jordi HERNÁNDEZ (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
Shalu JHANWAR (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
Lisa JOHNSEN (Systems Biology)
Veronica LLORENS (Systems Biology)
Michael MAIER (Cell & Developmental Biology)
Domenica MARCHESE (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
Elena MARTIN (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
Pablo PRIETO (Bioinformatics & Genomics)
Kadri REIS (Systems Biology)
Lorenzo RINALDI (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
Victoria RODRIGUEZ (Cell & Developmental Biology)
Francesco SOTTILE (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)
Ibrahim TASTEKIN (Systems Biology)
Ilda THEKA (Gene Regulation, Stem Cells & Cancer)

PRBB Auditorium
CRG - Centre  for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain

Contact person
Imma Falero
Academic Officer
CRG - Centre  for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain